Banning orders per il Sud Africa: tifoso denunciato. La BBC contro le “vuvuzelas”.



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Anche la tifoseria del Peterborough ( foto ) è stata bersagliata dai provvedimenti che vietano l’espatrio in occasione della disputa della prossima coppa del mondo  ed un primo tifoso dovrà comparire davanti al tribunale nei prossimi giorni per non essersi presentato al posto di polizia in contemporanea con la gara amichevole che la squadra di Capello ha disputato contro il Giappone. Infatti il provvedimento preventivo prevedeva detto onere anche in occasione delle partite di preparazione. Intanto la BBC si è soffermata sulle molestissime trombette acustiche che i tifosi sudafricani introdurranno negli stadi. L’anatema contro le “vuvuzelas”, largamente condivisibile, paragona il suono delle stesse al barrito di un elefante! Giorni fa la federazione tedesca presentò istanza per il divieto di introduzione delle stesse ma, al momento, nessun provvedimento al riguardo è stato preso, sebbene diversi giocatori se ne siano lamentati.


Police warning to World Cup yobs

EIGHTEEN known Peterborough football yobs have been forced to hand in their passports to prevent them travelling to the World Cup.

And as part of a tough raft of measures, police have said they will pursue similar Football Banning Orders, which cover league and international games, on anyone causing disorder and violence during the host of football celebrations being staged by city pubs and clubs as England go for glory.Six extra police officers and a sergeant will also be on the beat on the streets of the city during every game featuring England during the World Cup. These will be backed up by a team of 60 officers stationed across Cambridgeshire who will be ready to pounce if any trouble flares up.Events planning officer for Peterborough Sergeant Stuart Saunders said: “It’s a significant extra resource to ensure that everyone has a good time during the World Cup.”The police focus on the World Cup comes after a surge in violent crime and public order offences during the 2006 tournament.From June 9 to July 9 in 2006, there were 1,158 offences in the county, compared to 1,047 for the same period in 2005 and 1,105 in 2007.Other measures being brought in include special powers for officers to ban people from entering an area for 48 hours if they believe someone could cause disorder.Police, pubs, clubs and CCTV in Peterborough will also be on a shared radio network to warn each other if trouble is brewing, while before and during matches, officers will visit city venues to ensure they are complying with licensing conditions.Superintendent Nick Knight said: “We want everyone who goes out to watch a match during this World Cup to do so without fear of violence or disorder.“Officers will provide a friendly presence in the city and we hope people enjoy watching the games but we will not tolerate anti-social or illegal behaviour.“We are working with pubs to make sure people do not drink too much alcohol and officers will take action to nip problems in the bud.”They have also looked at every match in the tournament to find any that could be troublesome. He added: “We’ve looked at every nation and it’s not just England fans we are targeting. But that’s when more people will be out in pubs and the likelihood of offending increases.”Passports seized from banned hooligansEIGHTEEN known troublemakers in the city have been forced to hand over their passports to prevent them travelling to the World Cup in South Africa.In all, Cambridgeshire Police have enforced Football Banning Orders in place on 26 people across the county.These people were required to surrender their passports ahead of the World Cup to a police station by June 1.They are also required to report to a designated police station on each day that England play. Failure to comply is a criminal offence.Police say a 23-year-old man from Peterborough failed to surrender his passport before England’s friendly match against Japan.He was arrested on May 30, charged with failing to comply with the banning order and bailed to appear at Peterborough Magistrates’ Court on June 15.

( peterborough today )

Spilt tea, deafening vuvuzelas and lemon puffs

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Dan Walker | 13:00 UK time, Wednesday, 9 June 2010

World Cup blog 1: Cape Town

My World Cup warm-up has been an interesting one: last Wednesday I was sitting on a stool with Rio Ferdinand in London talking to him about captaining England.The event at Niketown ended with the crowd giving a rapturous send off to Ferdinand, Ashley Cole and Wayne Rooney – the other two popped in for the grand finale.Rio spoke with real understanding about how Theo Walcott would be missing out on the World Cup and as he left (just after I had awkwardly spat some flapjack on his tracksuit) he said ‘see you in six weeks’.

Rio Ferdinand could not have envisaged the injury that would end his World Cup captaincy of England

Less than 48 hours later he – just like Walcott – was getting used to the idea of spending the summer watching his country rather than playing for them.I am also carrying a knee injury – a grade-three tear of my medial collateral ligament. Thankfully it didn’t stop me boarding a plan for South Africa this week.The highlights of the 10-hour flight were witnessing Garth Crooks spill an entire cup of tea on his ivory shorts and watching Denzel Washington’s antics in the post-apocalyptic movie The Book of Eli.I spent quite a bit of the flight reading the BBC World Cup ‘bible’ – a staggering tome put together by a group of statistical legends.It’s essential for all commentators, pundits, presenters and reporters but sadly not available to buy. Its near 500 pages will tell you everything from the goal tally of Uruguay’s Luis Suarez to the name of the Nigerian president! If you’re interested, it’s Goodluck Jonathan.

This book is absolutely vital for commentators at the World Cup

Talking of stats… I have given the one about Suarez scoring 49 goals for Ajax this season to both Alan Shearer and Lee Dixon. They are now involved in a battle to see who can use it first during our coverage of France v Uruguay on Friday so keep an eye on them.When we touched down in South Africa we received the vuvuzela welcome. The hotel receptionist told me that the instrument was originally used to scare off baboons but was so loud it actually killed some of them!It sounds a bit like the noise who would expect an elephant to make if you had it in a really tight headlock. They’ll be plenty from the squealing pachyderm throughout the summer because everyone in South Africa seems to have one.I am only in Cape Town until the weekend because the BBC bus leaves early Saturday morning. I have now met all the bus brothers and I can’t wait to hop on and bring you some fascinating stories from all over South Africa.My first job on arrival was to get Fifa accreditation. I think they are having a problem with their printers because my head looks a lot wider than normal. I’ll take it though because my cranium normally looks like a bit like a cashew nut in real life – thin at the front and getting wider as you approach the rear.


The accreditation centre is around the corner from the BBC Cape Town studio on top of the Somerset Hospital and the view of Table Mountain in the background is a bit special.Just below the studio is the media centre where much of the hard work is done. I will give you a little look around later this week which also gives me some time to sort out the biscuit collection. Of all the beauties they could have gone for they’ve opted for lemon puffs! What a disappointment. I consider it my mission to service my colleagues with some fig rolls before the bus leaves Cape Town.Despite the biscuit news, I can’t wait for the World Cup to start. There will be so many compelling stories to tell from a complicated but fascinating country. I shall try and keep you up to date through this blog and if there’s anything you’d particularly like to see then bung it down below.

( BBC Football )



Dopo il grande successo di “Lads 2009” (ULTIMISSIME COPIE)

Storia e contemporaneità della cultura Casual d’Oltre Manica.. Approfondimenti sui fatti dell’ultimo decennio. Immagini e schede delle singole tifoserie di Inghilterra, Scozia e Irlanda del Nord.

Un noto leader di una Firm, richiesto di commentare i consueti incidenti procurati all’estero dai Lads, dichiarò alla stampa “Margaret Thatcher ci deve condannare pubblicamente ma dentro di sè sarà sicuramente orgogliosa del lavoro fatto dai ragazzi”.. Questo libro si propone come un viaggio attraverso quarant’anni di trasferte oltre Manica dei Casuals britannici al seguito delle selezioni nazionali e delle squadre di club. La narrazione delle principali trasferte può facilmente diventare il paradigma per descrivere centinaia di giornate nelle quali le firms hanno esportato all’estero il loro bagaglio di fedeltà, nazionalismo, alcoolismo e, spesso, anche violenza. Il volume si propone come naturale seguito di “Lads 2009”, dello stesso autore, che illustra la scena attuale dei mobs britannici tra le mura domestiche. Sangue, birra e Red Hand gli ingredienti ricorrenti di un cocktail spesso esplosivo



pag.180  Euro 15,00 (posta prioritaria 4,00;raccomandata 5,35)

( V.Abbatantuono, D.Mungo e L.Tomaselli )

Boogaloo Publishing

Tre narratori anòmici, un’unica entità multiforme che si cela dietro uno pseudonimo palesemente preso a prestito dall’immaginario più “dandy” e teppisticamente elitarista della galassia del tifo estremista internazionale. Tre ultras italiani, navigati e carichi di disillusioni, ma altrettanto consapevoli di un compito autoconferitosi di voler essere testimoni, umili e parziali, di un’epoca al crepuscolo e di un movimento anche contro-culturale, antisitemico e sociale oltre che un mix di misticismo sportivo e/o di prassi di violenza semi-delinquenziale. Un “touch and go” all’interno del calcio britannico minoritario, quello più povero e meno ingioiellato della vecchia imperturbabile Scozia. Terra in cui le anomalie e le forti contraddizioni, oltre che le ataviche rivalità del mondo britannico, si esternano ciclicizzandosi in migliaia di rivoli settari. La terra dove il modello repressivo albionico ha attecchito forse con minor clamore e sponsorizzazione mediatica, rispetto a quello “cockney” e “scouse”, per rimanere in due città simbolo della violenza “hooligana” ma che ha trasferito sulle “terraces” le tensioni che ne attanagliano il tessuto sociale, politico e religioso.Le voci si sovrapporranno nella narrazione fluida di questo diario di viaggio. Così come allo stadio i cori che cercano di reiterarsi all’infinito vengono sostituiti a seguire da un altro nuovo o contrario, o addirittura sopraffatti da quelli degli avversari, che istigati, ci sommergono di fischi ed insulti fino a coprirci per poi azzittirsi di nuovo. Nessuno potrà dire chi narra e chi ascolta, un’anarchia narrativa simile all’anarchia dei nostri pensieri, e beninteso, non ascrivibile ad un referente ideologico, bensì ad una conseguenza strutturale, morfologica, necessaria: quella dell’istinto libero che cerca la voce per darsi un racconto e quindi un’esistente nel mondo che ci circonda. Parliamo tutti con un’unica voce, per riconoscere le nostre individualità all’interno del gruppo: proprio come facevamo in curva, coi nostri fratelli.Il resto l’ha fatto la nostra cosiddetta follia, quella che noi chiamiamo la nostra gioia

Banning orders per il Sud Africa: tifoso denunciato. La BBC contro le “vuvuzelas”.ultima modifica: 2010-06-10T11:31:00+02:00da misterloyal
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