Pompeys: almeno in 30mila alla finale di FA Cup.



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Trentamila tifosi seguiranno il Portsmouth, retrocesso dalla “Premier League” in “Championship”, nella prestigiosa finale di Coppa d’Inghilterra contro il Chelsea, fresco vincitore del titolo nazionale in volata sul Manchester United. I “Pompeys”, tra l’altro, sono caduti anche in amministrazione controllata alla luce del clamoroso passivo economico accumulato dalla società. Anche in casa Chelsea, tuttavia, si tiene alla manifestazione come dimostra il fatto che la formazione di Ancelotti abbia fatto tutto il possibile per rimettere Terry, infortunatosi, nelle condizioni di potere essere della contesa.


Pompey fans set for FA Cup final at Wembley

Despite their club’s financial woes and relegation from the Premier League, Portsmouth fans will be supporting their team at Wembley in their usual colourful style.

Over 30,000 will make the trip from the south coast to Wembley, while others around the world will be glued to television screens as Pompey take on the might of Premier League champions, Chelsea.

Bubble car fans

James Blake, a plumber from Portsmouth, is driving to the cup final in his beloved bubble car.

James Blake
James Blake is bound for Wembley in his bubble car.

The car, which has been sprayed blue in honour of his team, has taken him five years to restore and get on the road in all its former glory.James originally bought it as a wreck in 2005 and has given it a complete overhaul.He first made the 80-mile (129km) trip to see Pompey beat Spurs in the semi-final and is hoping this is a lucky form of transport – although he will have to make an early start as the car cannot go much faster than 40mph.The semi-final trip was certainly eventful, James explained: “We ran out of petrol, smoke started pouring out and we broke down on Oxford Street, but there were cameras snapping us wherever we went.”We’re just going to have a good day out – having seen the Chelsea result last week, we don’t want to think about the result! We’ll see how it goes and cross our fingers!”

Staying away

While just about every Portsmouth fan around the the world will be glued the television for the cup final, Chris Davis from Havant is eager to miss the match.

Chris, a former BBC cycling commentator, says he missed the last two wins at Wembley (the semi-final against Spurs and the last FA Cup final win against Cardiff), both times he was in France at major cycling events.The Tour of Picardy always takes place in mid-May and clashes with the cup final. And yet again, Chris will be across the channel when his team take to the Wembley turf.He said: “I’m a great believer in superstition – third time luckily this time. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that we’ll have the cup back in Portsmouth. I’m looking for a a surprise victory against the odds.”

Pompey fans down under

An Irish pub in Perth, Australia will be hosting a gathering of up to 70 Portsmouth fans and friends for a ‘Farewell to the Premiership Party’ before the game kicks off at 2200 local time.

Pompey fans in Australia
Pompey fans in Australia have followed this season’s remarkable cup run

Chairman of Pompey Down Under (PDU), Peter Marchant who lived in Portsmouth and attended Mayfield School before his family emigrated to emigrated to Perth in 1983, has remained a passionate fan despite the distance.He said: “The general mood in the membership is one of incredulity that we reached the final in such a horribly traumatic season. The Spurs semi final was one of my proudest moments as a Pompey fan and ranks alongside the win at Old Trafford in the quarter final two years ago.”In many respects, that was our Cup Final and I believe that restricting Chelsea to respectable score will still be a moral victory! Many have said it will either be a single goal, fighting tooth and nail victory for Pompey – or a massive win for Chelsea. I was glad that Chelsea won the Premiership last Sunday – hopefully it was a distraction.”I do feel that the Premiership has killed off some of the magic about football that I grew up with. Players are aloof, disloyal and generally greedy… I hope that a Pompey win at the weekend can bring some of that magic back.”PDU is the official supporters club for fans of Pompey in Australia – around 60 members are flying to the UK to watch the match at Wembley.

Pompey bear

Pompey are reknowned for their colourful support. Also in Australia, Charles Alum needs no excuse to jump into his ‘Pompey Bear’ outfit.

Charles Alum
Charles Alum brought his Pompey Bear suit to Australia

‘Pompey Bear’ was born after a “drunken chat” and had a few outings at Fratton Park before Charles moved to Sydney.Charles said: “I’ve been Pompey Bear a few times in Sydney – even done some birthday parties! I can’t wait for Saturday!”Charles also wore his bear suit when he returned for Pompey’s appearance in the 2008 final.He said: “I’m gutted I’m not going this year, but I’m going back for the World Cup and a wedding in December, so can’t justify three trips! Seems like all the 2008 lads are staying too so there will be a good atmosphere here.”We thought 2008 would be the one and only time. Now it’s two in three years!”

( BBC Football )


FA Cup Final 2010: Chelsea fans Gill and Graham’s trip to Wembley

Mother and son take you on a journey…

May 2010 19:30:00

FA Cup 2007 : John Terry - Frank Lampard - Chelsea - (Getty Images)

This Saturday, Chelsea and Portsmouth fans will flock from all corners of the country to north-west London and sit beneath the famous Wembley arch as their teams contest the FA Cup final. Whether by tube, train, bus, or seahorse, tens of thousands will don their colours in the hope of seeing their captain make that famous walk up the Wembley steps and claim the oldest association football competition in the world.Part Of The Game TV followed Chelsea fans, and mother and son, Gill and Graham on their trip to Wembley.


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Un noto leader di una Firm, richiesto di commentare i consueti incidenti procurati all’estero dai Lads, dichiarò alla stampa “Margaret Thatcher ci deve condannare pubblicamente ma dentro di sè sarà sicuramente orgogliosa del lavoro fatto dai ragazzi”.. Questo libro si propone come un viaggtrio attraverso quarant’anni di trasferte oltre Manica dei Casuals britannici al seguito delle selezioni nazionali e delle squadre di club. La narrazione delle principali trasferte può facilmente diventare il paradigma per descrivere centinaia di giornate nelle quali le firms hanno esportato all’estero il loro bagaglio di fedeltà, nazionalismo, alcoolismo e, spesso, anche violenza. Il volume si propone come naturale seguito di “Lads 2009”, dello stesso autore, che illustra la scena attuale dei mobs britannici tra le mura domestiche. Sangue, birra e Red Hand gli ingredienti ricorrenti di un cocktail spesso esplosivo.Dagli anni Settanta agli Europei in Italia dell’ Ottanta, dall’ Heysel a Italia ’90, la trasferta in Irlanda, i mondiali di Germania,le principali sfide con le formazioni italiane, la finale europea di Manchester ed i fatti più recenti…questo e altro ancora in “Leoni fuori gabbia”…..


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Boogaloo Publishing

Tre narratori anòmici, un’unica entità multiforme che si cela dietro uno pseudonimo palesemente preso a prestito dall’immaginario più “dandy” e teppisticamente elitarista della galassia del tifo estremista internazionale. Tre ultras italiani, navigati e carichi di disillusioni, ma altrettanto consapevoli di un compito autoconferitosi di voler essere testimoni, umili e parziali, di un’epoca al crepuscolo e di un movimento anche contro-culturale, antisitemico e sociale oltre che un mix di misticismo sportivo e/o di prassi di violenza semi-delinquenziale. Un “touch and go” all’interno del calcio britannico minoritario, quello più povero e meno ingioiellato della vecchia imperturbabile Scozia. Terra in cui le anomalie e le forti contraddizioni, oltre che le ataviche rivalità del mondo britannico, si esternano ciclicizzandosi in migliaia di rivoli settari. La terra dove il modello repressivo albionico ha attecchito forse con minor clamore e sponsorizzazione mediatica, rispetto a quello “cockney” e “scouse”, per rimanere in due città simbolo della violenza “hooligana” ma che ha trasferito sulle “terraces” le tensioni che ne attanagliano il tessuto sociale, politico e religioso.Le voci si sovrapporranno nella narrazione fluida di questo diario di viaggio. Così come allo stadio i cori che cercano di reiterarsi all’infinito vengono sostituiti a seguire da un altro nuovo o contrario, o addirittura sopraffatti da quelli degli avversari, che istigati, ci sommergono di fischi ed insulti fino a coprirci per poi azzittirsi di nuovo. Nessuno potrà dire chi narra e chi ascolta, un’anarchia narrativa simile all’anarchia dei nostri pensieri, e beninteso, non ascrivibile ad un referente ideologico, bensì ad una conseguenza strutturale, morfologica, necessaria: quella dell’istinto libero che cerca la voce per darsi un racconto e quindi un’esistente nel mondo che ci circonda. Parliamo tutti con un’unica voce, per riconoscere le nostre individualità all’interno del gruppo: proprio come facevamo in curva, coi nostri fratelli.Il resto l’ha fatto la nostra cosiddetta follia, quella che noi chiamiamo la nostra gioia


Pompeys: almeno in 30mila alla finale di FA Cup.ultima modifica: 2010-05-14T22:28:00+02:00da misterloyal
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