Old Firm: 5 arresti e momenti di tensione. In 10mila hanno seguito il Leeds nella vittoriosa trasferta di Manchester.




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L’impresa che ha caratterizzato il turno di “Fa Cup” appena terminato è stata, senza dubbio alcuno, la vittoria esterna del Leeds, formazione che milita in “League One” ma dal glorioso passato, sul terreno del Manchester United. La sfida è stata seguita da circa 10mila supporters ( foto ) dei “bianchi” essendo molto forte l’astio che divede da anni le due tifoserie. Il bilancio, invece, dell’ “Old Firm” di Glasgow, match conclusosi in parità, è di cinque arresti per reati minori ( abusi di alcool e cori “settari” ) ma i veri momenti di tensione vissuti sono stati altri. Infatti una sessantina di sostenitori delle frange estreme hanno cercato di venire a contatto nella zona di London Road , pare sia spuntata qualche mazza da baseball, mentre circa 500 tifosi dei Rangers hanno deciso di recarsi in corteo verso lo stadio dei Celtic inscenando un corteo lungo tragitti solitamente utilizzati dai fans di casa. Infine un autobus è stato fermato dalla polizia che ha rinvenuto a bordo quantità non consentite di alcool ed un cd  sul quale erano incise canzoni vietate.


Manchester United 0:1 Leeds United- Welcome to the War of the Roses, New Footy Fans

by Kartik Krishnaiyer on January 3, 2010 · 25 comments

jermaine beckford 1116295c 300x187 Manchester United 0:1 Leeds United Welcome to the War of the Roses, New Footy Fans

In a football world full of foreign fans, which have never once traveled to England, Manchester United is the flavor of the millennium. But those of us, who love and appreciate the English game, and its history and passion, felt liberated today.

Leeds United, one of the giant clubs of the last forty years in English football signaled its return to relevance with a fantastic 1-0 victory at Old Trafford. The War of The Roses Rivalry, which is one of the biggest in England, was on display for the newer Red Devils fans today.Manchester United has for years profited at Leeds expense. Gordon McQueen Eric Cantona, Rio Ferdinand and Alan Smith, just to name a few. Leeds once was fortunate enough to sign Johnny Giles from Manchester United, and that transfer changed history! Throughout the late 1960s and early 1970s, Leeds United under Don Revie gave Manchester United and Liverpool all they could handle. Matt Busby’s retirement reflected an era in which Leeds and Liverpool had emerged as the powers of the English game, and United’s post Munich run was over.When the recently completed decade began, Leeds looked like the most likely side to dispatch Manchester United atop the Premier League. Some football watchers, like your humble writer, were foolish enough to believe the hype: I thought Leeds could be the best team of the decade, and actually picked them before the season to win the 1999-2000 Premier League crown.But alas, Leeds squad had been built by taking on massive chunks of debt. A few years later, despite a run to the Champions League semifinals, the club was sinking fast. Today, under Simon Grayson, the club leads League One, England’s third flight. Leeds has been in League One now for three seasons, longer than anyone truly objective believed they’d be down there.But today, the War of the Roses rivalry was renewed with vigor. Grayson’s side was well organized, pushing men forward on the counter, and using a speed advantage to get behind the Red Devils back four. Leeds also wanted the match more, cheered on by at least 10,000 fans who made the trek from Yorkshire.Manchester United fans, many of whom are front runners from Asia or the United States will lament today’s result. But for those of us who love and honor English football every day, this was one of the best things that has happened in recent years. Leeds, a previously massive club matters again, and for that, English football is a winner.

( EPL Talk )


Cops arrest Old Firm bus driver after chest pains emergency

CCTV monitoring Old Firm Image 2

A BUS driver who ferried fans to yesterday’s Old Firm match was arrested – after paramedics were called to treat him for chest pains.The man – who refused aid – was nabbed when his vehicle was allegedly found laden with booze.Police alerted to the emergency are also said to have uncovered a haul of CDs of sectarian songs.The arrest came after a major clampdown on Rangers and Celtic fans before, during and after yesterday’s 1-1 draw – which included warning 800 known wifebeaters that police were watching them.An army of 750 extra officers were stationed across the west of Scotland yesterday to deal with crime linked to the match.

The zero tolerance operation – controlled from Glasgow’s Helen Street police office – did not include policing in and around Celtic Park.Almost 300 CCTVcameras, handheld cameras, undercover intelligence officers and helicopter images relayed information back to the control room – where the Daily Record had exclusive access.The “Events Room” had three banks of officers watching a minimum of 12 CCTV images at any one time.Cameras homed in on known potential f lashpoints, such as streets and pubs where trouble has flared in the past.Among the potential problems thwarted was a planned march by around 500 Rangers fans from Glasgow city centre to the ground along a route usually used by Celtic supporters.In another incident a group of 60 fans were intercepted by police in London Road because officers had spotted four “risk” category thugs.Police allowed them to continue to the game – but the point of the operation was to let troublemakers know that they were being watched.Last night operation commander Chief Superintendent Bernard Higgins said: “This is about crime prevention through forceful action to let individuals know that we are here.”The vast majority of football fans – 99 per cent – want to go to the match or watch it on TV and have a good time.”I believe these fans are glad to see a police presence to reassure them that we are here to help.”There is no excuse whatever for any form of domestic violence, but to think that domestic violence can increase because of a football match is ridiculous.”We are directly challenging that type of behaviour because it is unacceptable.”Thugs with banning orders stopping them from going to matches were also warned to stay away.At present 16 Rangers fans are banned along with 14 Celtic fans. After the game, police swamped a pub at Glasgow Cross when trouble looked like it could flare when a fan was spotted with a baseball bat.But in the end there were just five arrests – four for drunkenness and one for sectarian singing.However, last night the Scottish Ambulance Service was bracing for a “surge”of calls.A spokesman said: “Because most of the incidents involve alcohol our staff will inevitably face a higher level of abuse from some patients.”

( “Daily Record ” )

Old Firm: 5 arresti e momenti di tensione. In 10mila hanno seguito il Leeds nella vittoriosa trasferta di Manchester.ultima modifica: 2010-01-04T10:44:00+01:00da misterloyal
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