Olimpico di Londra:azioni legali e polemiche tra Hammers e Spurs. .Celtic ko in Australia:11 arresti.


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Con l’assegnazione al West Ham non pare destinata a cessare la polemica tra Hammers e Tottenham perl’assegnazione dell’impianto dopo i giochi olimpici di Londra 2012. Dopo voci che parlano di presunti favori al West Ham da parte dei membri della commissione deputata a decidere, ora i “martelli” sembrano intenzionati ad agire legalmente. In tribunale dovranno difendersi anche 17 tifosi arrestati prima, durante e dopo l’amichevole tra gli australiani dei Mariners, vincitori per 1-0, ed i Celtic. Altre 27 persone sono state espulse dallo stadio mentre a 47 è stato rifiutato l’ingresso perchè sotto effetto di alcool o droghe.

West Ham legal action over 2012 stadium claims

West Ham United are taking legal action against Tottenham Hotspur and The Sunday Times over allegations about the Olympic Stadium bidding process.West Ham said they were treating the claims “with the utmost seriousness”.It comes after an Olympic Park Legacy Company (OPLC) employee was suspended when it emerged she worked for West Ham during their bid to use the stadium in London after the 2012 Games.West Ham said they were “certain of the robustness” of their successful bid.A West Ham spokesman said: “West Ham United can confirm the club are taking legal action in relation to allegations made in today’s Sunday Times.”We are certain of the robustness of our successful bid for the Olympic Stadium.”

Consultancy work

On Friday it was revealed that an OPLC director had been suspended on full pay after it emerged she had been undertaking paid consultancy work for West Ham.The director, later named by West Ham as Dionne Knight, had declared “a personal relationship” with a Hammers employee when she started at the OPLC, but on Thursday she told the legacy company of her work at the club.The OPLC said she was being suspended while any possible conflict of interest was investigated.The OPLC board voted 14-0 in February to back the Hammers as first choice to move into the £486m stadium after the Games. The OPLC and West Ham said Ms Knight had no involvement in that decision.West Ham said they had already carried out an investigation into the woman’s role with the club.West Ham plan to retain the running track after moving into the stadium and create a 60,000-capacity arena for football, athletics, concerts and community use.Last month, attempts by Tottenham and Leyton Orient to get a judicial review of the OPLC’s decision in favour of West Ham were rejected.Spurs’ plan had involved knocking down most of the structure and rebuilding it without the running track, instead rebuilding the National Sports Centre at Crystal Palace.

(BBC Football )

11 arrested as footy fans get too close

Anne Tarasov
July 3, 2011

NINE men and two women were arrested after jumping the fence and trying to run on to the pitch during the match between leading Scottish football club Celtic and Central Coast Mariners at ANZ Stadium last night.A man was charged with assaulting police, while another man was charged with assault.Acting Superintendent Mick Rochester, commander of the group of officers policing the event, said those arrested would face hefty fines and could be banned from attending events at the stadium.He said it was disappointing that the drunken anti-social behaviour of a few marred the night for many of the 17,000-plus spectators.Twenty-seven people were ejected for being intoxicated, while 47 people were refused entry because of drunkenness.Five people were issued infringement notices for failing to leave when asked, with one of those subsequently arrested.The Mariners beat Celtic, Scottish Premier League runners-up, 1-0.”The message is a simple one – anti-social and criminal behaviour will not be tolerated under any circumstances,” acting Superintendent Rochester said. ”If you can’t or won’t heed the message, don’t attend these events. A sporting event is not an excuse to break the law.”If your team isn’t performing well, or you disagree with a decision by the referee, you can’t react by getting intoxicated, damaging property, assaulting others or making an idiot of yourself.”Be warned. Police and event security staff will continue to act swiftly at sporting and other events to ensure any opportunities to disrupt the enjoyment of others are minimised.”


(www.smh.co.au )



Lads 2011



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Un noto leader di una Firm, richiesto di commentare i consueti incidenti procurati all’estero dai Lads, dichiarò alla stampa “Margaret Thatcher ci deve condannare pubblicamente ma dentro di sè sarà sicuramente orgogliosa del lavoro fatto dai ragazzi”.. Questo libro si propone come un viaggio attraverso quarant’anni di trasferte oltre Manica dei Casuals britannici al seguito delle selezioni nazionali e delle squadre di club. La narrazione delle principali trasferte può facilmente diventare il paradigma per descrivere centinaia di giornate nelle quali le firms hanno esportato all’estero il loro bagaglio di fedeltà, nazionalismo, alcoolismo e, spesso, anche violenza. Il volume si propone come naturale seguito di “Lads 2009”, dello stesso autore, che illustra la scena attuale dei mobs britannici tra le mura domestiche. Sangue, birra e Red Hand gli ingredienti ricorrenti di un cocktail spesso esplosivo



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Olimpico di Londra:azioni legali e polemiche tra Hammers e Spurs. .Celtic ko in Australia:11 arresti.ultima modifica: 2011-07-03T11:27:00+02:00da misterloyal
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