Il Liverpool dice no al Chelsea per Torres. L’autogoal di Ki Sung Yueng.


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Con l’ avvicinarsi della fine della sessione invernale del calciomercato molte squadre stanno adoperandosi per concludere ed ufficializzare le trattative in corso. Tuttavia la voce più clamorosa è una  “non notizia”, ossia il rifiuto del Liverpool di cedere al Chelsea Torres per una cifra compresa tra i 35 ed i 40 milioni di sterline. Clamorosa autorete del giocatore dei Celtic Ki Sung Yueng autore di gesti razzisti verso i tifosi giapponesi in occasione di una sfida tra la nazionale nipponica e la Corea. Ki ha gesticolato imitando una scimmia  ed, ancora più miseramente, ha cercato di giustificarsi affermando di essersi comportato in quel modo per rispondere agli abusi che afferma di subire ogni weekend in Scozia. In realtà pare che a scatenare gli animi sia stata l’ esposizione da parte dei supporters giapponesi di una  bandiera imperiale ritenuta offensiva dai coreani.


Liverpool reject Chelsea bid for Fernando Torres

Fernando Torres
Torres has had a frustrating time so far this season

Liverpool have rejected an offer for star striker Fernando Torres from Premier League rivals Chelsea.

The 26-year-old has struggled for form so far this season but has scored nine goals in 26 appearances for the Reds.”Chelsea have made a bid for Fernando, which has been turned down. The player is not for sale,” a Liverpool spokesman told BBC Sport.The offer is believed to be in the region of £35-£40m and comes after a previous bid by the London club in May.Chelsea manager Carlo Ancelotti refused to talk about the situation but said he is happy that “the club are trying to do everything they can to improve the squad”.With the transfer window open until 2300 GMT on Monday, there is still time for the Blues to increase their offer for the Spaniard should they wish.Ancelotti said: “I don’t want to speak about this, you will have to ask the club. He is not my player and I have to have respect for Liverpool.”I’m not surprised, because I know very well what the club is doing now. I am happy because the club is doing a fantastic job in this transfer market.”Liverpool have previously been linked with Uruguayan striker Luis Suarez but his club, Ajax, have said the Reds have until Saturday to do any deal with them.The Merseysiders have also had a £4m bid for midfielder Charlie Adam rejected by Blackpool and have sold forward Ryan Babel to Hoffenheim.Torres’ indifferent start to the season comes after a knee injury, which also hampered him at the World Cup in South Africa last summer.


And although he scored twice in the Reds’ 2-0 win over Chelsea in November, Torres looked a forlorn figure under previous Liverpool manager Roy Hodgson.But the Spaniard has looked a different prospect since Kenny Dalglish took over at Anfield earlier in January, scoring three goals in his last four games.Liverpool moved up to seventh in the Premier League table following their 1-0 victory over Fulham on Wednesday, but they still face a fight to qualify for the Champions League next season, with Chelsea nine points ahead of them in fourth spot.Although Ancelotti’s team have failed to fully replicate their form of last term where they won the Premier League title, they are still in the Champions League and are currently 10 points behind league leaders Manchester United.Ancelotti has previously hinted that he wanted to bring in new players to bolster an ageing squad stretched by injuries this season.And with the club close to signing Benfica defender David Luiz, the bid for Torres shows that Chelsea are still prepared to use their financial muscle to boost their domestic and European ambitions.

(BBC Football )


Rangers boss Walter Smith in race to sign star ahead of transfer window closing

WALTER SMITH last night insisted he will continue to race against the clock to bolster his squad for the title run-in.

The Rangers manager spoke out as first-choice target Kris Commons was checking in to Celtic Park to finalise his £300,000 move from Derby County.Smith believed on Tuesday that Commons was on his way to Ibrox only to be gazumped at the 11th hour by the Parkhead club that were prepared to pay the 27-yearold £5000 a week more than was on offer across the Clyde.Now Rangers have just four days to add new recruits to Smith’s wafer-thin squad and the manager is determined to drive at least one deal through.The Ibrox boss said: “There is nothing happening at the moment – certainly not in terms of players going out the way .”But over the remaining period of time we will obviously continue to try to see if we can bring anyone in who can help us. Whether we will have any success or not we will have to wait and see.”We lost out on Kris Commons and we are obviously disappointed. When we went for him we wanted to get him but we haven’t done that so we need to get on with it and go for someone else.”Adebayor’s gone to Real Madrid so we’ve missed out on him too! He was after £125,000 a week which was a wee bit too much for us.”Smith has been battling against a crippling cost-cutting campaign while attempting to keep his club at the top of the SPL pile – and could yet bow out at the end of his final season in charge with a domestic clean sweep.Victory against Motherwell at Hampden on Sunday will see his side book a place in this season’s Co-op Cup Final as Smith’s last campaign enters a crucial period.He said: “How seriously am I taking the League Cup this season? I take it seriously every season. We’ve been in every final since I came back haven’t we?”So you would maybe be better asking somebody else whether they are taking it seriously or not! What about the rest of the teams?”People talk about your list of priorities for the season but as I have said before, you can’t pick and choose. You have to try to be successful in them all.”Everybody mentions the League Cup as if it’s not a priority but at Rangers we have shown we take it seriously and we want to do well in it. We want to do well in it again this season.”

( Daily Record )


KI SUNG-YUENG has tried to escape a bitter international feud by accusing Scottish fans of racism.

Celtic star Ki sparked fury by imitating a monkey when he scored for South Korea against Japan in the Asian Cup this week.

The midfielder, who pulled a face and scratched – a traditional insult from Koreans to Japanese – defended his antics by claiming he was attacking Scots fans who’d made monkey noises at him.But leading anti-racism crusaders last night insisted his defence just “doesn’t ring true”.A diplomatic row erupted after Ki’s celebration during the semi-final defeat in Qatar. The Hoops ace initially claimed he’d been enraged by flag-waving Japanese fans.They were waving Rising Sun ensigns – the flag of Imperial Japan during World War Two.The flags are deeply offensive in Korea, where they’re regarded as a symbol of Japanese militarism and imperialism.Ki explained: “The sight of those flags in the stand broke my heart. Sometimes being Korean is more important than being a football player.“But he later changed his story and insisted he was having a pop at SPL supporters.The 21-year-old said: “That performance was not directed at Japanese people. When I play at Celtic, our opponents’ fans call me a monkey and the celebration was towards people who make such racist remarks.”St Johnstone launched a probe into ‘racist noises’ directed towards Ki in a league game at McDiarmid Park last year.Team mate Cha Du-Ri said at the time: “When Ki had the ball, two supporters jumped up and started making monkey noises in unison. I played for eight years in Germany and I have never seen anything like that.”The incident is shameful and I feel angry about it. I told the coach.”Ki has escaped punishment from FIFA and the Asian Football Confederation after giving his fresh explanation.A South Korea FA spokesman said: “The people who made noises like the sound of the monkeys in Scotland when he played away games, that is something he wanted to highlight.”Even though they call him a monkey as an Asian, he wanted to show how strong they are in Asia. That was the main intention.”But Show Racism the Red Card chief executive Ged Grebby remained sceptical about the explanation from Ki.He said: “It doesn’t ring true to me that that’s what it was about.”My understanding is that he has done it to offend the Japanese and then it has caused a controversy.”Ki and Cha are due back at Celtic next week after South Korea’s exit in a dramatic penalty shootout.

( scottish sun )


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Un noto leader di una Firm, richiesto di commentare i consueti incidenti procurati all’estero dai Lads, dichiarò alla stampa “Margaret Thatcher ci deve condannare pubblicamente ma dentro di sè sarà sicuramente orgogliosa del lavoro fatto dai ragazzi”.. Questo libro si propone come un viaggio attraverso quarant’anni di trasferte oltre Manica dei Casuals britannici al seguito delle selezioni nazionali e delle squadre di club. La narrazione delle principali trasferte può facilmente diventare il paradigma per descrivere centinaia di giornate nelle quali le firms hanno esportato all’estero il loro bagaglio di fedeltà, nazionalismo, alcoolismo e, spesso, anche violenza. Il volume si propone come naturale seguito di “Lads 2009”, dello stesso autore, che illustra la scena attuale dei mobs britannici tra le mura domestiche. Sangue, birra e Red Hand gli ingredienti ricorrenti di un cocktail spesso esplosivo




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Il Liverpool dice no al Chelsea per Torres. L’autogoal di Ki Sung Yueng.ultima modifica: 2011-01-28T17:17:00+01:00da misterloyal
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