Derby di Manchester:Bellamy colpito da oggetti, possibili sanzioni per il Man U.





E-BAY  ( ultimissime copie )



Se la semifinale di andata tra le due squadre di Manchester aveva determinato un bilancio di diciotto arresti per gli incidenti tra le opposte tifoserie e polemiche per i gesti provocatori di Tevez e Neville, la sfida di ritorno non è stata da meno. Infatti, nel “retourn match” dell’ “Old Trafford” altre tredici persone sono finite in manette ed il giocatore dei “Citizens” Bellamy, mentre si apprestava a calciare un corner, è stato colpito da una serie di oggetti, tra i quali un accendino ed una bottiglietta. Il presunto lanciatore già risulta tra i fermati. Al termine di questi tesissimi 180 minuti sono stati i “Red Devils” a conseguire il passaporto per la finale della manifestazione che li vedrà opposti all’ Aston Villa. Molti supporters dello United indossavano polemicamente sciarpe gialle e verdi, i colori della vecchia divisa sociale, in aperta polemica con l’attuale proprietà.


Charge over bottle thrown at Manchester City’s Bellamy

City's Craig Bellamy at the Manchester derby
Manchester United’s win put them through 4-3 on aggregate

A man has been charged with throwing a bottle at Manchester City player Craig Bellamy during the Carling Cup tie with Manchester United.

A 26-year-old man from Heaton Chapel has been charged by police over the incident during the semi-final second leg at Old Trafford.Police have also charged a 35-year-old man from Crumpsall with being drunk whilst entering a sports ground.The game at Old Trafford attracted a 70,000-strong crowd.

Six bailed

Extra officers were on duty for the match after trouble flared between United and City fans at last week’s first leg.After Wednesday’s game two men received a fixed penalty notice for public order offences and another for being drunk and disorderly.Six other men, arrested on suspicion of criminal damage, affray and conspiracy to commit violent disorder, have been bailed pending further inquiries.Manchester United won the game 3-1 (4-3 on aggregate) to progress to the final against Aston Villa at Wembley.

( BBC Manchester )


Craig Bellamy Coin Incident Gave Man United Unfair Advantage

by The Gaffer on January 28, 2010 · 57 comments

craig bellamy hit Craig Bellamy Coin Incident Gave Man United Unfair Advantage

Watching the Manchester derby Wednesday night I was appalled to see Craig Bellamy get hit by an object and to see other objects thrown at him as he went to take a corner for Manchester City.

Bellamy was struck by a coin that knocked him to the ground and saw a beer bottle narrowly miss his head. Having attended Old Trafford before, my recollection is that the beer bottles are plastic. But still, it’s despicable to see any objects thrown at footballers no matter who they are and no matter whether people hate the player or not. Yes, Bellamy is a cheeky footballer and he was mouthing off to Rio Ferdinand all night, but no football player deserves to have objects thrown at him.I realize this was a heated Manchester derby, but I also found the reaction of the Manchester United supporters near Bellamy despicable. Not the people who threw the objects, who should be banned from Old Trafford from life (and they were even more despicable), but several supporters in that corner were seen laughing at and taunting Bellamy even after he got hit and was visibly shaken.ìIt’s one thing to get involved in a bit of banter with a player from your hated rival. But when that footballer has been struck by an object, is in pain and has fallen to the ground, football supporters should acknowledge that a line has been crossed and it’s not funny anymore to laugh at Bellamy, make rude gestures at him or scream obscenities.The other disturbing issue is this. Once order was restored, from the resulting corner, United cleared the ball and, thanks to a world-class pass from Wayne Rooney to Ryan Giggs, went straight down the other end of the pitch and scored through Paul Scholes. You have to consider how much concentration City lost after the despicable corner incident and how that may have led to United being able to open them up at the other end of the pitch.Up until the corner incident, Manchester City was on par with United and looked to be in its ascendency. As soon as the Bellamy incident happened, City lost its focus and never looked like winning this game especially after United scored the goal that made the aggregate scoreline equal.Overall, Manchester United were by far the stronger team Wednesday night and deserved the victory. But I believe that Bellamy being struck by a coin had an impact on Manchester United’s first goal. Without the coin incident happening, Manchester City would have been more focused for that corner and probably would have delivered a better ball into the box, and who knows where the game could have gone from there.

( epltalk )

Derby di Manchester:Bellamy colpito da oggetti, possibili sanzioni per il Man U.ultima modifica: 2010-01-28T19:46:38+01:00da misterloyal
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