Glasgow previene, Manchester reprime

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La “StrathClyde Police” di Glasgow, che sta studiando ogni possibile misura di sicurezza da attuare in vista del derby del prossimo sabato che contrapporrà ad “Ibrox” Rangers e Celtic in un match che inciderà pesantemente nella lotta per il titolo scozzese, sta avvertendo tutti i gestori di “pubs” che non sarà assolutamente tollerata la somministrazione di alcoolici a  soggetti già palesemente in stato d’ ebbrezza. Secondo un rapporto degli organi preposti alla pubblica sicurezza, in concomitanza con l’ “Old Firm” si registrerebbe tradizionalmente un picco di comportamenti illegali, anche non strettamente collegati con la violenza legata al mondo del calcio. Se a Glasgow si cerca di prevenire, a Manchester si reprime, così sette persone sono state arrestate  per una rissa occorsa in un “pub” fra sostenitori dei “Citizens” e dei “Red Devils” lo scorso novembre, in occasione della stracittadina. Le indagini non sarebbero terminate essendo stata ricostruita una dinamica dei fatti che avrebbe coinvolto non meno di trenta persone.


Police in Old Firm domestic abuse warning to city pubs
The Herald
01 May 2009
Gerry Braiden

Police have warned pub and club owners that failure to carry out their duties during next week’s Old Firm football match could fuel higher than average levels of domestic abuse.
Ahead of next Saturday’s potential league title decider at Ibrox Stadium, Strathclyde Police has also warned that “premises may be the subject of increased police activity” on the day of the match and that it will “carry out robust enforcement of licensing legislation”The force also says it will not tolerate licensees who sell to drunken customers on the day of the game.

Strathclyde insists the warnings, circulated by email, were signed off by the relevant divisional commander in each area.
But it has re-opened a war of words between operators in Glasgow city centre and west end, and the top officer in the area, Chief Superintendent Anne McGuire.
Two months ago, Ms McGuire was at the centre of allegations by some of the biggest names in the city’s leisure industry that police were bullying and threatening staff and customers in bars and nightclubs.
Last night, industry leaders said the warnings and failure to acknowledge progress made by licensees during Old Firm matches in recent years flew in the face of the views of Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill, who just this week praised Scotland’s trade. The police warning states: “Recently published analysis indicates higher than average levels of domestic abuse, serious violent crime, disorder and antisocial behaviour coincide with Old Firm football matches.“In order to address the issues of alcohol fuelled violence and disorder as a direct result of this football fixture, we will carry out robust enforcement of licensing legislation, contravention of which may be the precursor to these increased levels.”
The divisional commanders’ e-mails also urge the trade to “make every effort to ensure your staff are fully aware of their responsibilities and legislative requirements and that alcohol is not sold or supplied to drunken or underage persons“.
Eddie Tobin, a leading player in the Scottish entertainment industry who made the “harassment” allegations to Chief Constable Steve House on behalf of the Glasgow trade, said: “There’s no doubt alcohol plays a part in domestic violence, but the trade is not responsible for every crime against humanity.
“The city centre licensed trade is largely trouble-free during Old Firm games now and we’ve no acknowledgement of that or how Mr MacAskill feels about the pub and club trade.
“There’s no questions the officers signing these letters are excellent officers, but they need to give credit where credit is due.”
The row in February between operators and Ms McGuire was resolved at a peace summit which was described as “cordial” and “productive”.
It had threatened to derail the “partnership” approach to reducing violent crime and improving safety in the city centre late at night.
Assistant Chief Constable John Neilson said: “This is part of our policing response to the recorded increase in violence on Old Firm match days.
Licensees have a positive role to play in the reduction of violence on days such as these when large numbers of people are expected to use the pubs and clubs. This is simply a reminder of this and to reassure them we will continue our regular visits to support them.”


Seven held after derby fight
Manchester Evening News
01 May 2009

“POLICE have arrested seven men involved in alleged ‘wanton violence’ during a disturbance at a pub showing the Manchester derby.
CCTV images have now been released of two other men police are hunting in connection with the incident at the Old Fire Station, Wellington Road, Ashton under Lyne, on November 30.
Officers arrested seven people on suspicion of violent disorder early today.
During fighting that spilled on to the street, one man was hit with a bottle and a number of innocent people, including members of the public and door staff, were assaulted.
No one has come forward to report being attacked, but police launched an investigation after viewing the footage.
The match at the City of Manchester Stadium kicked off at 1.30pm and the violence broke out at about 3pm. Chief Superintendent Zoe Hamilton, divisional commander of the Tameside division, said: “As many as 30 people were involved in what was nothing more than an act of wanton violence.
“I have no doubt it was extremely terrifying for those innocent people caught up in the fighting and I hope today’s arrests demonstrate that we will not tolerate violence of any kind in Tameside.”

Glasgow previene, Manchester reprimeultima modifica: 2009-05-01T18:23:00+02:00da misterloyal
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