Inghilterra a valanga, deludono la Scozia ed il Galles ma la sorpresa è l’ Irlanda del Nord

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Nell’ incontro amichevole fra Inghilterra e Slovacchia di “Wembley” i “bianchi” di Capello si sono facilmente imposti per quattro a zero, grazie alle reti di Heskey,Lampard e Rooney (2).  La squadra dei “tre leoni”, a puntaggio pieno nel proprio girone, pare avere affrontato con il giusto impegno anche questo “friendly match” giocato davanti a quasi novantamila persone. Molto importante in chiave qualificazione ai mondiali del Sud Africa il prezioso tre a due con cui l’ Irlanda del Nord si è imposta sulla Polonia, in una giornata costellata da gravi incidenti tra le due tifoserie. Lascia perplessi, invece, la sconfitta interna del Galles contro la Finlandia, in una gara che pareva abbordabile per i padroni di casa così come appare decisamente rotonda la sconfitta della Scozia in Olanda ( 3-0 ) anche se si sapeva che l’ incontro sarebbe stato impegnativo.

Petrol bombs have been thrown in clashes between football fans and the police after a World Cup qualifier at Windsor Park in Belfast.

Between 50 and 60 Northern Irish fans have clashed with police at a roundabout at the bottom of Tates Avenue, outside the football ground. During the game play was suspended for five minutes after a linesman was hit with an object thrown from the crowd. Before the game, riot police had to separate NI and Polish fans. Fireworks, bricks and bottles were thrown between the two sets of fans outside the football ground. The trouble started in the city centre shortly before 1500 on Saturday when Northern Irish and Polish fans gathered in the same pub on Bedford Street.Clashes broke out between fans along the route to the matchThe pub was closed, considerable damage having been caused. Nine people were arrested following the trouble. Police said the majority of them were Polish. It is understood that several people have been injured during the disturbances. Riot police in armoured land rovers were deployed at Tates Avenue on Saturday afternoon as fans made their way to the Windsor Park football ground. Residents in the area were advised by police to stay indoors. It is understood the Polish fans are being kept within the football ground until the crowds of Northern Irish fans dissipate.

Inghilterra a valanga, deludono la Scozia ed il Galles ma la sorpresa è l’ Irlanda del Nordultima modifica: 2009-03-28T20:32:00+01:00da misterloyal
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