E’ uscito “Diario di oltre Manica”. Hodgson:combattere il razzismo ad Euro 2012.

LIBRI: “Leoni fuori gabbia” euro 22,00,”This is Ulster” euro 23,00, “The Final” euro 15,00, Lads 2009 euro 25,00 e “Lads 2011” euro 25,00. MODALITA’ DI PAGAMENTO: bonifico a favore di Luca Tomaselli IBAN: IT31 R0306901 0061 0000 0090 634 BIC TI TMM, poste pay numero 4023600577836960 Luca Tomaselli oppure PayPal all’ indirizzo:  CONTRIBUTO FISSO SPESE POSTALI: Euro 10,00 complessivi per spezioni tracciabili ed euro 5,00 per spedizioni non tracciabili indipendentemente dal numero dei titoli acquistati fino a cinque.Tutti i volumi sono anche disponibili per l’acquisto dal sito con varie modalità di spedizione a costi differenti.Per i dettagli sui singoli  libri guarda in calce.Ora è disponibile anche “Diario di oltre Manica” ( euro 25,00 ), con tutti gli articoli commentati relativi ai fatti di cronaca che hanno coinvolto le tifoserie britanniche durante i campionati appena terminati.

Roy Hodgson ritiene che ad “Euro 2012” dovranno essere gli arbitri e gli ufficiali di gara a combattere i possibili atteggiamenti discriminatori che si teme arriveranno degli spalti. Le tifoserie locali, molte delle quali di stretta osservanza nazionalista, minacciano, infatti, di prendere di mira i supporters di altre nazioni ed i giocatori di colore. Saranno moltissimi i supporters inglesi al seguito dei “bianchi”. Il nuovo proprietario dei Rangers Green ha affermato che tutti i giocatori che si erano ridotti lo stipendio con l’entrata della squadra in amministrazione torneranno a percepire l’ emolumento integrale che veniva precedentemente versato loro. Sul fronte delle novità librarie è finalmente disponibile: “Diario d’ oltre Manica”, acquistabile dal sito oppure con le modalità di cui sopra.

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Roy Hodgson: racism at Euro 2012 must be tackled by officials

England manager Roy Hodgson says he will leave it to Uefa and referees to take action if any of his players are racially abused at Euro 2012.

England’s Euro 2012 squad were addressed by Holocaust survivors Zigi Shipper and Ben Helfgott MBE at their Hertfordshire headquarters on Thursday.

Hodgson said: “My stance is simple. It’s a matter for referees and Uefa.

“You’re talking about something that is abhorrent to anybody, not just in football but in every walk of life.”

Reporting racism

9.6% of players reported examples of racism or other forms of discrimination in a survey conducted by FIFPro, the worldwide union for professional footballers, in February.

A recent BBC Panorama programme revealed cases of racism and anti-semitism in football grounds in host nations Poland and Ukraine – and Manchester City’s Italy striker Mario Balotelli has threatened to walk off the pitch if he is abused.

Discussing the talk from the Holocaust survivors, Hodgson said: “[The impact of racism] has been brought home to me with great effect on Thursday when you listen to two survivors of the Holocaust, two guys born in Poland who have a story to tell of how prejudice cost them everything but their lives.

“It cost six million people their lives and they happened to be two of the lucky ones. Racism in any form has to be abhorrent.”

He added: “It is a topical question and one that I am sure is being heavily debated in Uefa – not just today but I bet they’ve been doing it for the last four years since it was decided the tournament would take place in Poland and Ukraine.

“What we can do, having qualified, is go there and play football to the best of our ability. This very important problem has got to be taken care of outside the footballing family.

“If Uefa decides that if something happens it will be the referee’s job, [and says] this is what the referee will do, we will be the first people to side along with that.

“But we, as football people, shouldn’t be taking the initiative. Players and coaches may come out and say things but I want Uefa and referees to control the issue.” 

(BBC football)

Rangers administrators say they can cover players’ full wages

Rangers’ administrators Duff & Phelps claim they have enough money to cover the players’ return to full wages.

The club’s Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA), issued on Tuesday, estimated a summer shortfall of £3m as creditors assess the proposal.

“The funding is in place for the club to operate normally until the sale is complete, which should be in July,” said a Duff & Phelps spokesman.

The wage cuts accepted by the Rangers players in March ended on 31 May.

The players had agreed to temporary cuts of up to 75% of their salaries as the club sought to limit costs after slipping into administration on 14 February.

But now that that period has ended, the players must be paid in full – and those who agreed to reduced pay are able to leave on cut-price deals.

If successful, Charles Green’s consortium will take over the club in about six weeks’ time, with £8.3m of their £8.5m bid being in the form of a loan.

However, even if the CVA is rejected by Rangers’ creditors, the consortium may take over by buying the club’s assets.

Fans raised concerns on Thursday about how the club could operate when there was no cash injection from match days.

But the administrators say the cash is there, with the costs expected to be met by Green’s Sevco company through either transfer fees or season ticket revenue.

Meanwhile, Fifa are thought to be more satisfied now that Rangers’ successful appeal against a Scottish Football Association tribunal’s ban on signing players has returned to the footballing domain.

Rangers had risked the wrath of Fifa by taking their appeal against the year-long transfer embargo to the Court of Session and not to the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

Lord Glennie ruled the SFA panel had no right to impose the punishment under the governing body’s rules and returned the case to the SFA, which in turn has referred it back to its internal appeals process, a date for which will be set next week. 

(bbc football )









Storia e contemporaneità della cultura Casual d’Oltre Manica.. Approfondimenti sui fatti dell’ultimo decennio. Immagini e schede delle singole tifoserie di Inghilterra, Scozia e Irlanda del Nord.


Un noto leader di una Firm, richiesto di commentare i consueti incidenti procurati all’estero dai Lads, dichiarò alla stampa “Margaret Thatcher   ci deve condannare pubblicamente ma dentro di sè sarà sicuramente orgogliosa del lavoro fatto dai ragazzi”.. Questo libro si propone come un viaggio attraverso quarant’anni di trasferte oltre Manica dei Casuals britannici al seguito delle selezioni nazionali e delle squadre di club. La narrazione delle principali trasferte può facilmente diventare il paradigma per descrivere centinaia di giornate nelle quali le firms hanno esportato all’estero il loro bagaglio di fedeltà, nazionalismo, alcoolismo e, spesso, anche violenza. Il volume si propone come naturale seguito di “Lads 2009”, dello stesso autore, che illustra la scena attuale dei mobs britannici tra le mura domestiche. Sangue, birra e Red Hand gli ingredienti ricorrenti di un cocktail spesso esplosivo


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E’ uscito “Diario di oltre Manica”. Hodgson:combattere il razzismo ad Euro 2012.ultima modifica: 2012-06-02T12:06:00+02:00da
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