Premier League e accuse di razzismo: i casi si moltiplicano, esplode lo “scandalo”.

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Da dicembre l’argomento del presunto razzismo sui campi di gioco e sugli spalti della “Premier League” è tornato prepotentemente alla ribalta, coinvolgendo gradinate celebri come quella del Liverpool ma anche campioni come Terry e Suarez. Innanzitutto, va premesso che questi ultimi due smentiscono gli addebiti così come  sembra che neppure i tifosi della “Kop” gradiscano troppo l’etichetta loro assegnata. Il difensore del Chelsea, tuttavia, dovrà difendersi dall’ accusa di avere utilizzato espressioni discriminatorie verso un avversario non solo davanti alla giustizia sportiva ma anche di fronte a quella penale mentre all’attaccante del Liverpool, si fa per dire, è andata meglio con “sole” otto giornate di squalifica. Nel mirino, come detto, anche la curva dei “Reds” che avrebbe offeso un avversario di colore che vestiva la maglia dei “Cottagers” del Fulham. Ad ingigantire  il caso, già sulle pagine di tutti i tabloids, anche i costanti interventi di organizzazioni antirazziste che chiedono sanzioni pesanti ed invitano le società a non contribuire alla difesa degli accusati. Fatti analoghi e probabilmente più gravi accadono da anni sui campi di calcio di tutto il mondo ed i campionati britannici non rappresentano certo gli esempi peggiori in materia. Tuttavia la Premier League, da sempre molto attenta alla telegenicità del prodotto venduto a suon di milioni di sterline in mezzo mondo, nazioni extraeuropee incluse, sembra avere deciso di adottare il pugno davvero pesante, nonostante le recenti esternazioni di Blatter, presidente dell’ UEFA, secondo il quale il razzismo non esisterebbe nel mondo del calcio.

Suarez ban proves English football will not put up with racism, insists PFA chief Taylor

By Sportsmail Reporter

Gordon Taylor believes the punishment meted out to Luis Suarez for racially abusing Patrice Evra sends a warning that racism in the game will not be tolerated. 

Liverpool have decided not to appeal against the eight-match Football Association ban imposed on their striker for racially abusing Manchester United defender Patrice Evra in a Barclays Premier League match at Anfield in October.

Professional Footballers Association chief executive Taylor said: ‘It’s a lesson to all of us… that all players coming into our game from different countries understand and accept what we are about – equality and diversity.


Row: Liverpool striker Luis Suarez (left) was found guilty of making racist comments to Manchester United defender Patrice Evra (right) last October

‘We have got probably the most multi-cultural game in the world so it’s important to set the right example.

‘We don’t want him (Evra) feeling a victim. We want our black players to feel comfortable that racism can be dealt with in football terms, as well as the law of the land.


‘Some issues are bigger than a player, the club or the game and racism is one of those. We have to learn from it and there should be no misunderstanding or ambiguity in the future.

‘You don’t want such issues to divide clubs or society. We’re all in a football family but we’re all under the law of the land.

‘Once a penalty has been paid and carried out we move on in a positive manner to make sure the penalty acts as a deterrent. The educational process continues.’


Fighting talk: Kenny Dalglish is still backing Suarez despite the FA’s verdict

Taylor is pleased the authorities in this country take the subject of racism more seriously than FIFA president Sepp Blatter, who last year suggested racism on the pitch should be settled by a handshake.

Taylor added on Sky Sports News: ‘We’ve treated it a lot more seriously than that.

‘Racism is a serious issue. There was a big court case yesterday which proved that and we want sport to set the best possible example.

‘I was disappointed after Sepp Blatter’s comment but there wasn’t the same outcry in the rest of the world.


Shows of support: A Manchester City (above) fan and a Liverpool fan (below) display conflicting opinions on Suarez’s ban at the Etihad Stadium on Tuesday


‘We all know the word ‘negro’ can be taken to mean a very inflammatory word.

‘Any reference to the colour of a person’s skin has to be eradicated. In the heat of battle things can be said, but sometimes they go beyond what’s acceptable.

‘We have had 20 or 30 years of campaigning against racism. I hope we can move on from this and learn our lessons.’

(Daily Mail )

Liverpool investigate abuse aimed at Oldham’s Tom Adeyemi

Page last updated at 10:14 GMT, Saturday, 7 January 2012

Adeyemi was in tears after the incident at Anfield

Liverpool and Merseyside Police are investigating an incident of alleged abuse from fans towards Oldham Athletic defender Tom Adeyemi.

The 20-year-old was visibly upset late in his side’s 5-1 FA Cup third round defeat at Anfield on Friday.

The game was stopped briefly while Adeyemi alerted referee Neil Swarbrick to the incident.

However, Merseyside Police confirmed that no arrests were made for “racially aggravated behaviour”.

A police spokesman said: “The force and Liverpool Football Club are investigating following an incident that occurred during the second half of the game.

“The aim of the investigation is to establish the full circumstances surrounding the incident to ascertain if any action needs to be taken.”

Who is Tom Adeyemi?

  • Born 24 October 1991 in Norwich
  • Makes Norwich debut in 7-1 defeat to Colchester in August 2009 – Bryan Gunn’s last game in charge
  • Spends the 2010-11 season on loan at Bradford, where he scores five goals and makes 34 league appearances
  • Joins Oldham on loan on 31 August 2011

Oldham manager Paul Dickov revealed he had not spoken to Adeyemi, who is on loan from Norwich, about the incident, but accepted something had upset him.

“From my point of view I have not spoken to Tom about it but I know the kid and something has been said,” said Dickov.

“He is a placid boy, a kid who has been well educated with a fantastic temperament and has been with us since the end of August and I’ve never seen him raise his voice.

“For him to react like that it is obvious something has been said but what has been said I don’t know because I’ve not had a chance to ask – I was too busy praising my players.

“He is fine now. He has calmed down. He is a laid-back kid who just gets on with business.

“Our players went and calmed him down and the Liverpool players did as well, which was fantastic and is why they are top professionals.”

The incident involving Adeyemi compounds a difficult few weeks for Liverpool, who were without Luis Suarez for the match against the Latics as the striker serves an eight-match ban for racially abusing Manchester United defender Patrice Evra at Anfield in October.

Oldham gave their Premier League opponents a scare when Robbie Simpson fired in from 30 yards, but goals from Craig Bellamy, Steven Gerrard, from the penalty spot, Jonjo Shelvey, Andy Carroll and Stewart Downing sealed Liverpool’s passage to the fourth round.

“The scoreline is a bit flattering really,” said Liverpool boss Kenny Dalglish, who made eight changes to the side that lost to Manchester City on Tuesday.

“Oldham did their club and their manager proud. They created one or two threatening situations for themselves, especially in the first half, so getting back as quickly as we did with the equaliser helped us.

“But the scoreline does not reflect the distance between the two teams on that performance.”

(BBC Football )




Luis Suárez banned for eight matches for racial abuse of Patrice Evra

• Liverpool striker fined £40,000
• Club are ‘surpised and disappointed’

The allegations against Luis Suárez arose from the Premier League match between Liverpool and Manchester United in October. Photograph: Phil Noble/Reuters

The Liverpool striker Luis Suárez has been banned for eight matches and fined £40,000 after being found guilty of misconduct, regarding “using insulting words towards” Patrice Evra of Manchester United.

The allegations centred around an incident during a Premier League fixture between Liverpool and Manchester United at Anfield on 15 October, during which Evra claimed Suárez racially abused him “at least 10 times”.

Both players gave evidence to a three-man panel, led by Paul Goulding QC, as did the Liverpool manager, Kenny Dalglish, who has vigorously defended the Uruguay player since the allegation was made by Evra to the French television station Canal Plus after the game. Liverpool’s defence involved arguing that the word “negro” does not necessarily have racist connotations in Uruguay. Evra said that was unacceptable and that Suárez was being offensive as the pair clashed repeatedly in the second half at Anfield.

A Football Association statement said: “An independent regulatory commission has today found a charge of misconduct against Luis Suárez proven, and have issued a suspension for a period of eight matches as well as fining him £40,000, pending appeal.

“On 16 November 2011, the Football Association charged Luis Suárez with misconduct contrary to FA Rule E3 in relation to the Liverpool FC versus Manchester United FC fixture on 15 October 2011.

“A hearing took place from 14-20 December 2011 before an independent regulatory commission of the FA to consider the charge.

“The independent regulatory commission announced its decision on 20 December 2011, which is as follows:

“Mr Suárez used insulting words towards Mr Evra during the match contrary to FA Rule E3(1);

“the insulting words used by Mr Suárez included a reference to Mr Evra’s colour within the meaning of Rule E3(2);

“Mr Suárez shall be warned as to his future conduct, be suspended for eight matches covering all first-team competitive matches and fined the sum of £40,000;

“the [penalty] is suspended pending the outcome of any appeal lodged by Mr Suárez against this decision.

“The independent regulatory commission will provide written reasons for its decision in due course setting out:

(a) the findings of fact made by it;

(b) the reasons for its decision finding the charge proved; and

(c) the reasons for the penalty.

“Mr Suárez has the right to appeal the decision of the independent regulatory commission to an appeal board. An appeal must be lodged within 14 days of the date of the written reasons for the decision.

“The penalty is suspended until after the outcome of any appeal, or the time for appealing expires, or should Mr Suárez decide not to appeal. The reason for this is to ensure that the penalty does not take effect before any appeal so that Mr Suárez has an effective right of appeal.

Liverpool released a statement of their own, saying: “Liverpool Football Club is very surprised and disappointed with the decision of the Football Association commission to find Luis Suárez guilty of the charges against him.

“We look forward to the publication of the commission’s judgment. We will study the detailed reasons of the commission once they become available, but reserve our right to appeal or take any other course of action we feel appropriate with regards to this situation.

“We find it extraordinary that Luis can be found guilty on the word of Patrice Evra alone when no one else on the field of play – including Evra’s own Manchester United team-mates and all the match officials – heard the alleged conversation between the two players in a crowded Kop goalmouth while a corner-kick was about to be taken.

“The club takes extremely seriously the fight against all forms of discrimination and has a long and successful track record in work relating to anti-racist activity and social inclusion. We remain committed to this ideal and equality for all, irrespective of a person’s background.

“LFC considers racism in any form to be unacceptable – without compromise. It is our strong held belief, having gone over the facts of the case, that Luis Suárez did not commit any racist act. It is also our opinion that the accusation by this particular player was not credible – certainly no more credible than his prior unfounded accusations.

“It is key to note that Patrice Evra himself in his written statement in this case said: ‘I don’t think that Luis Suárez is racist’. The FA in their opening remarks accepted that Luis Suárez was not racist.

“Luis himself is of a mixed race family background as his grandfather was black. He has been personally involved since the 2010 World Cup in a charitable project which uses sport to encourage solidarity amongst people of different backgrounds with the central theme that the colour of a person’s skin does not matter; they can all play together as a team.

“He has played with black players and mixed with their families whilst with the Uruguay national side and was captain at Ajax Amsterdam of a team with a proud multicultural profile, many of whom became good friends.

“It seems incredible to us that a player of mixed heritage should be accused and found guilty in the way he has based on the evidence presented. We do not recognise the way in which Luis Suárez has been characterised.

“It appears to us that the FA were determined to bring charges against Luis Suárez, even before interviewing him at the beginning of November. Nothing we have heard in the course of the hearing has changed our view that Luis Suárez is innocent of the charges brought against him and we will provide Luis with whatever support he now needs to clear his name.

“We would also like to know when the FA intend to charge Patrice Evra with making abusive remarks to an opponent after he admitted himself in his evidence to insulting Luis Suárez in Spanish in the most objectionable of terms. Luis, to his credit, actually told the FA he had not heard the insult.”

(The Guardian )


Liverpool urged not to contest Luis Suárez ban by anti-racism group

• ‘We would call on the club to think again about their campaign’
Response follows FA’s published judgment on the case

Liverpool have been criticised for wearing T-shirts supporting Luis Suárez before the FA commission published its judgment. Photograph: Michael Steele/Getty Images

Piara Powar, the executive director of Football Against Racism in Europe, has urged Liverpool and Luis Suárez not to appeal against the eight-match ban and £40,000 fine imposed by the Football Association for making racist comments about Manchester United’s Patrice Evra.


Powar, a former director of the anti-racism organisation Kick It Out, said in a statement: “The Football Association’s published judgment from the Suárez–Evra incident is welcome.


“It appears the FA have taken their time to initiate a process that was both fair in its implementation of football rules, and in accordance with the principles of British justice. As an international non-governmental organisation we [Fare] think the investigation and judgment sets the bar for governing bodies globally.”


Powar’s response comes after the FA independent commission that found Suárez guilty published a 115-page document detailing its findings in the case relating to the incident between the two players that took place during the match between Liverpool and Manchester United at Anfield on 15 October.


“Racial abuse between players on the field of play has been an unspoken taboo for too long, an area that has been unsatisfactorily dealt with by English football despite many cases over the past 10 years,” Powar added.


Liverpool have been criticised for their vehement support of the striker – including wearing T-shirts bearing the player’s name before the Premier League match at Wigan on 21 December – before the FA commission had published its full judgment. Powar believes the club must now take heed of the judgment, which deemed some of Suárez’s evidence “inconsistent” and “unreliable”, and reconsider their stance on the matter.


“Luis Suarez and Liverpool FC have the right to appeal, however we would call on the club to think again about their public campaign to dispute the charges and contest the principles involved in the case. As a club with a good international standing the vehemency of their campaign is unquestionably causing them reputational harm.


John Terry to face criminal charges over alleged racist abuse

• Crown Prosecution Service confirms Terry will be charged
• England captain to appear before court in February
• Pledges to ‘fight tooth and nail to prove my innocenced

John Terry denies making a racial slur against Anton Ferdinand when Chelsea played QPR in October. Photograph: Nick Potts/PA

John Terry will fight “tooth and nail” to clear his name after the Crown Prosecution Service confirmed its intention to prosecute the England captain over an alleged racist slur made towards the Queens Park Rangers defender Anton Ferdinand.

The Chelsea centre-half, who denies any wrongdoing, will appear before West London magistrates’ court on 1 February charged with a racially aggravated public order offence made during an altercation with Ferdinand in the derby with QPR at Loftus Road on 23 October.

The 31-year-old’s club manager, André Villas-Boas, has reiterated that he will benefit from Chelsea’s full support, with Terry set to start Thursday’s Premier League game at Tottenham Hotspur.

“I am disappointed with the decision to charge me and hope to be given the chance to clear my name as quickly as possible,” Terry said. “I have never aimed a racist remark at anyone and count people from all races and creeds among my closest friends. I will fight tooth and nail to prove my innocence. I have campaigned against racism and believe there is no place for it in society.”

Terry was caught on camera confronting Ferdinand six minutes from time in Chelsea’s 1-0 defeat. The Football Association initiated an inquiry into the incident following a complaint from QPR, with the Metropolitan police following suit in response to an emailed complaint from a member of the public.

The CPS has subsequently confirmed that additional evidence, thought to be new video footage of the incident that was not broadcast at the time, had come to light.

Terry was visited by police at his house in Surrey at around 1pm on Wednesday and was told he has been charged with using “threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress which was racially aggravated in accordance with section 28 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998”.

Alison Saunders, the chief crown prosecutor for London, said: “I have today advised the Metropolitan police service that John Terry should be prosecuted for a racially aggravated public order offence following comments allegedly made during a Premier League football match between Queens Park Rangers and Chelsea on 23 October 2011.

“The decision was taken in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors and after careful consideration of all the evidence I am satisfied there is sufficient evidence for a realistic prospect of conviction and it is in the public interest to prosecute this case. Mr Terry will appear before West London magistrates’ court on 1 February, 2012. He is now summonsed with a criminal offence and has the right to a fair trial.”

Villas-Boas said Terry, who was reappointed as England’s captain earlier this year, will be able to handle the pressure of playing at White Hart Lane. “He has my full support, and the club’s full support,” the Portuguese said. “He represents this club to a maximum level and we’re very grateful to have a player of his quality in our team, in what he represents in terms of history and achievements within the club. We know exactly his human values and his personality. For me they are never in doubt, so I will support him whatever the outcome. He is fit and available [to play].”

If found guilty, Terry would face a maximum fine of £2,500, though there would be serious implications over his captaincy of the national team. The FA, whose own inquiry into the incident has been put on hold until the conclusion of the criminal investigation, has yet to comment on the issue, though Chelsea added in a statement: “The club finds all forms of discrimination abhorrent and we are proud of the work we undertake campaigning on this important issue.”

(The Guardian )







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Un noto leader di una Firm, richiesto di commentare i consueti incidenti procurati all’estero dai Lads, dichiarò alla stampa “Margaret Thatcher  ci deve condannare pubblicamente ma dentro di sè sarà sicuramente orgogliosa del lavoro fatto dai ragazzi”.. Questo libro si propone come un viaggio attraverso quarant’anni di trasferte oltre Manica dei Casuals britannici al seguito delle selezioni nazionali e delle squadre di club. La narrazione delle principali trasferte può facilmente diventare il paradigma per descrivere centinaia di giornate nelle quali le firms hanno esportato all’estero il loro bagaglio di fedeltà, nazionalismo, alcoolismo e, spesso, anche violenza. Il volume si propone come naturale seguito di “Lads 2009”, dello stesso autore, che illustra la scena attuale dei mobs britannici tra le mura domestiche. Sangue, birra e Red Hand gli ingredienti ricorrenti di un cocktail spesso esplosivo


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Premier League e accuse di razzismo: i casi si moltiplicano, esplode lo “scandalo”.ultima modifica: 2012-01-07T12:56:00+01:00da
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