West Ham, opzione Olympic Stadium.

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Il vicepresidente del West Ham Karren Brady ipotizza che il West Ham ( fans in foto ) possa giocare, almeno per un periodo di sei mesi, le proprie gare interne all’ Olympic Stadium di Londra. In tutti i casi gli “Hammers” intendono lasciare “Upton Park” al più presto e stanno già lavorando attivamente sul progetto del proprio nuovo impianto. Quanto agli incidenti di Lincoln-Celtic, i quali hanno visto contrapporsi prima le opposte tifoserie e poi due fazioni di fans biancoverdi, si è appreso del ferimento di una ragazza colpita alla testa da una bottiglia lanciata.



West Ham expect to have first option on Olympic Stadium

• Karren Brady confident of ‘lock-out’ deal this month
• ‘It’s a no-brainer and absolutely right for club and community’

West Ham are confident of leaving Upton Park for the new Olympic Stadium after the London 2012 Games. Photograph: Anthony Charlton/AP

The West Ham vice-chairman Karren Brady expects the club to be given the first option of taking over the Olympic Stadium after the London Olympics.The Hammers confirmed this year they want to leave their existing Upton Park home for the Olympic Stadium, while the London mayor Boris Johnson is also keen on a football club taking over the running costs of the venue.The Premier League club believe switching home grounds will cost them £125million and have asked the Olympic Park Legacy Company (OPLC), who are responsible for the future of the London 2012 venues, for a six-month “lock-out” to hold exclusive talks on the deal.“We’ll hear by the end of the month whether we’ve got it [the lock-out deal],” Brady told “I would never say I’m 100% but I expect to get it. It’s a no-brainer and it’s absolutely right for the club and community.”West Ham’s main rivals are the American entertainment giant AEG, who own the O2 Arena.A spokeswoman for the OPLC said: “The market testing has captured genuine interest from a range of organisations in the sports, events, investment and education sectors. We are building on this momentum and working closely with interested parties to move towards a formal procurement process.”

(The Guardian )


Arrests after Celtic match at Lincoln City

A number of arrests have been made following Lincoln City’s pre-season friendly with Celtic.

Lincolnshire Police said there were several incidents of disorder and assault in the city after the match at Sincil Bank.Most of those arrested were from the Lincoln area but one fan from Glasgow was detained. No charges have been made so far.Extra officers were deployed at Saturday’s game.Charlie Creane, landlord of the Golden Cross on Lincoln’s High Street, said violence broke out in his pub at around 1515 BST as fans were leaving to watch the game.He said: “Bottles started getting thrown and my daughter, in the middle, who was there helping me out, get a bottle on the head.”She received stitches from the hospital, she was up there for three hours because of their stupidity.”

( BBC Football )




Dopo il grande successo di “Lads 2009” (ultimissime copie )

Storia e contemporaneità della cultura Casual d’Oltre Manica.. Approfondimenti sui fatti dell’ultimo decennio. Immagini e schede delle singole tifoserie di Inghilterra, Scozia e Irlanda del Nord.

Un noto leader di una Firm, richiesto di commentare i consueti incidenti procurati all’estero dai Lads, dichiarò alla stampa “Margaret Thatcher ci deve condannare pubblicamente ma dentro di sè sarà sicuramente orgogliosa del lavoro fatto dai ragazzi”.. Questo libro si propone come un viaggio attraverso quarant’anni di trasferte oltre Manica dei Casuals britannici al seguito delle selezioni nazionali e delle squadre di club. La narrazione delle principali trasferte può facilmente diventare il paradigma per descrivere centinaia di giornate nelle quali le firms hanno esportato all’estero il loro bagaglio di fedeltà, nazionalismo, alcoolismo e, spesso, anche violenza. Il volume si propone come naturale seguito di “Lads 2009”, dello stesso autore, che illustra la scena attuale dei mobs britannici tra le mura domestiche. Sangue, birra e Red Hand gli ingredienti ricorrenti di un cocktail spesso esplosivo




pag.180  Euro 15,00 (posta prioritaria 4,00;raccomandata 5,35)

West Ham, opzione Olympic Stadium.ultima modifica: 2010-07-27T11:33:00+02:00da
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