Incidenti con il Crystal Palace:Sheffield W.assolto. Maxischermi per i mondiali. Il Man U vuole Chiellini.


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Il Sheffield Wednesday ( fans in foto ) non subirà sanzioni per l’ invasione di campo che alcuni suoi supporters misero in essere in occasione della sfida contro il Crystal Palace. Diverse decine di sostenitori tennero un comportamento aggressivo verso i giocatori rivali e cercarono di venire a contatto, passando dal terreno di gioco, con i tifosi ospiti.Sul fronte calciomercato, nonostante la voragine debitoria che grava sul club, circola voce di una consistente offerta del Man U per Chiellini. In tutta l’ Inghilterra, intanto, grande passione intorno alla nazionale di Capello con maxischermi sistemati un po’ ovunque per seguire le gare dei “bianchi” nella corrente edizione della coppa del mondo.

Sheffield Wednesday in clear over crowd disorder

Sheffield Wednesday will not face any Football Association action over crowd disorder following their relegation decider against Crystal Palace.

Several fans among the 37,121 crowd confronted players on the pitch in the immediate aftermath of the 2-2 draw with Palace at Hillsborough on 2 May.That condemned the Owls to League One, prompting a post-match pitch invasion.But, following an investigation, the FA are satisfied that Wednesday followed the proper procedures.Their stadium operations manager John Rutherford told the club’s website: “I am pleased with the outcome of the investigation as it fully vindicates our matchday operation here at Hillsborough.”It underlines the fact that the club did everything possible in its planning and preparation to manage any incidents following an extremely tense game against Crystal Palace.”

(BBC Football )


Theatre is a World Cup winner with football fans

Published Date: 14 June 2010

SCARBOROUGH’S Open Air Theatre welcomed more than 4,000 football fans for England’s opening World Cup match against the USA.
The game was broadcast live from South Africa on a large LED screen as part of the BBC’s Big Month of Sport, which will show every game from the tournament as well as the Wimbledon tennis championships, Formula One Racing and the Glastonbury music festival. It was the first major event to be held at the newly-refurbished venue since it was opened by the Queen last month.The £3.5 million theatre was awash with colour on Saturday night as the thousands in attendance created a fabulous family-friendly atmosphere before the game, singing along to football songs played over the PA. The biggest cheer was reserved for just before the final whistle when three fans evaded security staff and jumped into the lake in front of the stage.Although the game ended in a disappointing 1-1 draw after goalkeeper Robert Green let Clint Dempsey’s tame effort slip through his fingers to cancel out captain Steven Gerrard’s fourth-minute opener, supporters refused to be too downbeat.Dan Jones, 19, of Hovingham Drive, “It was a bit of a disappointing performance but England started with a draw in 1966 and we all know what happened that year.” Dan, who works for Plaxton, and his friends ensured they stood out from the crowd by dressing up in morphsuits for the occasion.He said: “I don’t know if we’ll dress up again for the other matches but I think we will watch them all here at the theatre. I enjoyed it, it was a really good atmosphere, with cheap beer and good facilities.” Fabio Capello’s men will hope for better luck when they return to action against Algeria on Friday evening, ahead of their final group game against Slovenia a week on Wednesday.Meanwhile, five people were arrested after scuffles broke out as the large audience dispersed from the Open Air Theatre event.Chief Superintendent Ian Spittal, who was in charge of the police’s planned operation for the weekend, said: “We understand a small incident of disorder broke out inside the theatre which was dealt with by security staff. Unfortunately the incident continued once the offenders left the venue.”This is extremely disappointing, particularly as the occasion was billed as a family event. This sort of behaviour will not be tolerated and a robust stance will be taken.”
( scarborough evening news )

Thousands turn out to show their support for England

THE streets of Peterborough were buzzing with excitement and anticipation throughout England’s first World Cup game against the USA on Saturday.Red and white was the colour across Peterborough on Saturday as people donned curly wigs, flags, hats, T-shirts and face paints and got in true patrirotic spirit in preparation for their home countrys’ first match.Pubs and bars were bustling and spilling out with thousands of football fans, while others celebrated England’s first game with a party or barbecue at their city homes.At the Sports Lounge in King Street, hundreds of fans turned out for an exclusive street-style party which included watching the match on a huge LED screen.Fans were roaring with excitement, waving flags and shouting at the top of their voices “Come on England” when Steven Gerrard scored just four minutes in.However the cheers soon turned to boos and nail biting when Robert Green’s howler allowed USA striker Clint Dempsey to equalise.Speaking at the Sports Lounge wearing an England hat with flags painted on her cheeks, Liz McFarland (40), of Walton, Peterborough, said: “The atmosphere in the city is just electric. Having a mini party and a huge screen at the Sports Lounge is a great idea.“I am fully behind England and think they can win the World Cup.”Richard Pastow (26), of Paston, who had his face painted and was sporting a huge England flag, said: “England have got the potential to win. I will be watching every game religiously. It is important everyone gets behind England and supports them.”Emma Judges (31), of Sugar Way, Woodston, added: “I think it is important girls watch the fotoball and support their country too. It is great to see so many people out in the city all supporting one thing – England.”Pub and bar managers across the city are now gearing up for England’s next match against Algeria on Friday.Co-owner of the Sports Lounge Ian Bridgestock said the evening was absolutely fantastic.He said: “Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, we didn’t have any trouble. The only thing which was a bit disappointing was the result.“The feedback from the night has been brilliant and it seems we have done what the people of Peterborough have wanted for some time.“We will be doing it all over again on Friday and we hope it will be bigger and better, and hopefully with an England win this time.”Manager of Charters in Town Bridge, Peterborough, Hugh Sherwood, said: “It was a great night. We had fairly large crowds in the garden watching the match on the big screens.“We will be screening all of the matches and will be welcoming all of the city’s England supporters down again on Friday where it will be played on the big screens and there will also be a barbecue.”

(peterborough today )


Londra, 10:24


Offensiva Manchester United per Giorgio Chiellini: stando a quanto riporta “The Sun” Alex Ferguson ha pronta un’offerta di 25 milioni di sterline (poco più di 30 milioni di euro) per il difensore della Juventus e della Nazionale, chiamato a rimpiazzare il quasi sicuro partente Nemanja Vidic (che piace a Real Madrid e Manchester City). “Nonostante sia uno dei migliori in serie A Chiellini guadagna soltanto 1,7 milioni di sterline a stagione”, fa notare il tabloid britannico, sottolineando che la Juventus sarebbe pronta ad accettare l’offerta dei Red Devils visto che con i soldi derivanti dalla cessione di Chiellini ricostruirebbe una squadra reduce da una stagione disastrosa, conclusa al settimo posto.

(15/06/2010) (Spr)



Dopo il grande successo di “Lads 2009” (ULTIMISSIME COPIE)

Storia e contemporaneità della cultura Casual d’Oltre Manica.. Approfondimenti sui fatti dell’ultimo decennio. Immagini e schede delle singole tifoserie di Inghilterra, Scozia e Irlanda del Nord.

Un noto leader di una Firm, richiesto di commentare i consueti incidenti procurati all’estero dai Lads, dichiarò alla stampa “Margaret Thatcher ci deve condannare pubblicamente ma dentro di sè sarà sicuramente orgogliosa del lavoro fatto dai ragazzi”.. Questo libro si propone come un viaggio attraverso quarant’anni di trasferte oltre Manica dei Casuals britannici al seguito delle selezioni nazionali e delle squadre di club. La narrazione delle principali trasferte può facilmente diventare il paradigma per descrivere centinaia di giornate nelle quali le firms hanno esportato all’estero il loro bagaglio di fedeltà, nazionalismo, alcoolismo e, spesso, anche violenza. Il volume si propone come naturale seguito di “Lads 2009”, dello stesso autore, che illustra la scena attuale dei mobs britannici tra le mura domestiche. Sangue, birra e Red Hand gli ingredienti ricorrenti di un cocktail spesso esplosivo

assicuratevi le ultime copie da portare sotto l’ ombrellone!



pag.180  Euro 15,00 (posta prioritaria 4,00;raccomandata 5,35)

( V.Abbatantuono, D.Mungo e L.Tomaselli )

Boogaloo Publishing

Tre narratori anòmici, un’unica entità multiforme che si cela dietro uno pseudonimo palesemente preso a prestito dall’immaginario più “dandy” e teppisticamente elitarista della galassia del tifo estremista internazionale. Tre ultras italiani, navigati e carichi di disillusioni, ma altrettanto consapevoli di un compito autoconferitosi di voler essere testimoni, umili e parziali, di un’epoca al crepuscolo e di un movimento anche contro-culturale, antisitemico e sociale oltre che un mix di misticismo sportivo e/o di prassi di violenza semi-delinquenziale. Un “touch and go” all’interno del calcio britannico minoritario, quello più povero e meno ingioiellato della vecchia imperturbabile Scozia. Terra in cui le anomalie e le forti contraddizioni, oltre che le ataviche rivalità del mondo britannico, si esternano ciclicizzandosi in migliaia di rivoli settari. La terra dove il modello repressivo albionico ha attecchito forse con minor clamore e sponsorizzazione mediatica, rispetto a quello “cockney” e “scouse”, per rimanere in due città simbolo della violenza “hooligana” ma che ha trasferito sulle “terraces” le tensioni che ne attanagliano il tessuto sociale, politico e religioso.Le voci si sovrapporranno nella narrazione fluida di questo diario di viaggio. Così come allo stadio i cori che cercano di reiterarsi all’infinito vengono sostituiti a seguire da un altro nuovo o contrario, o addirittura sopraffatti da quelli degli avversari, che istigati, ci sommergono di fischi ed insulti fino a coprirci per poi azzittirsi di nuovo. Nessuno potrà dire chi narra e chi ascolta, un’anarchia narrativa simile all’anarchia dei nostri pensieri, e beninteso, non ascrivibile ad un referente ideologico, bensì ad una conseguenza strutturale, morfologica, necessaria: quella dell’istinto libero che cerca la voce per darsi un racconto e quindi un’esistente nel mondo che ci circonda. Parliamo tutti con un’unica voce, per riconoscere le nostre individualità all’interno del gruppo: proprio come facevamo in curva, coi nostri fratelli.Il resto l’ha fatto la nostra cosiddetta follia, quella che noi chiamiamo la nostra gioia


Continuano le presentazioni di “The Final”. La prossima sarà:

giovedì 24 giugno 2010
20.30 – 23.30
Incidenti con il Crystal Palace:Sheffield W.assolto. Maxischermi per i mondiali. Il Man U vuole Chiellini.ultima modifica: 2010-06-15T11:53:00+02:00da
Reposta per primo quest’articolo