Man U : debiti da record. Fans in Sud Africa: altri passaporti ritirati, 95 a Portsmouth. Bene l’ Inghilterra in amichevole.


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In tutta l’ Inghilterra continuano i ritiri dei passaporti per evitare che circa tremila “troublemakers” possano assistere alle gare della nazionale in occasione della prossima coppa del mondo. Tra le ultime notifiche di questo provvedimento ben 95 hanno colpito la tifoseria del Portsmouth. I destinatari del divieto di espatrio, in caso di violazione, rischieranno sei mesi di carcere, 5mila sterline di ammenda ed un nuovo provvedimento di interdizione dagli stadi.  I “bianchi” hanno superato per tre a zero iin amichevole i Platinum Stars. Intanto la situazione debitoria del Man U ha assunto i connotati di una voragine, con la situazione finanziaria attuale ulteriormente peggiorata. L’ ipotizzato  “contenimento” del passivo a settecento milioni di pounds pare essere stato superato a seguito di nuovi indebitamenti per altri 400 milioni di sterline.


Manchester United owner’s debts hit £1.1bn

Page last updated at 6:43 GMT, Monday, 7 June 2010 7:43 UK

John Sweeney followed the debt trail of the Glazer familyManchester United’s owners are £1.1bn in debt – £400m more than previously known – after borrowing extensively against their shopping mall business .BBC Panorama has found evidence that the Glazer family’s debt levels may threaten their hold on the club.A spokesman for the American family has said it holds more than £2bn in assets.But the extent of the debt owed by the Glazers is likely to fuel a continuing revolt by some supporters, who oppose their ownership of the club.Green and gold.Details of the financial arrangements of the owners also come at a time when the sport’s governing bodies are facing questions about Premier League debts that have reached a combined total of £3.4bn and the growing popularity of leveraged buyouts in English clubs.

“These are people who tell us not to worry about Manchester United debt because they are great businessmen. In their core business in the US they got it absolutely wrong

Andy Green City Analyst and Man U supporter”

Mortgage documents seen by the BBC show that the Glazers have borrowed £388m ($570m) against shopping malls and £66m ($95m) against their American National Football League team, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.In addition to their mortgages in the US, a portion of the Glazer family’s £700m Manchester United debt will soon see them charged interest at a rate of 16.25%.Fans fear that, despite the club’s record of success on the pitch, the Glazers’ leveraged buy-out of United has saddled the club with debt and that may mean that there is no spare money in the future to buy a new generation of star players.Disappointed fans have launched the “green and gold” campaign that resurrects the original team colours in protest over the Glazers’ ownership.

Their numbers have reached 158,000 and former United star David Beckham has signalled his support.They point to the £80m sale of star striker Cristiano Ronaldo last year and note that he has not been replaced by a player of similar quality. Yet ticket prices have gone up by more than a third.The club’s management denies any lack of commitment to buying new talent and says that cash is available for Sir Alex Ferguson to buy players.

Negative equity

City analyst Andy Green, 37, is the disgruntled Manchester United supporter who first uncovered the extent of the Glazers’ debts.Mr Green said: “They borrowed more money at inflated valuations right at the top of the cycle.”These are people who tell us not to worry about Manchester United debt because they are great businessmen. In their core business in the US they got it absolutely wrong.”

The Glazers have defended their ownership of the team

The debt levels at the club are also drawing the attention of other prominent football figures.Dave Whelan, Chairman of Wigan Athletic, told Panorama: “I don’t think anybody can be satisfied with how Manchester United are being run… they have got somewhere in the order of three-quarters of a billion pounds worth of debt. That has got to be eliminated and eliminated quickly.”The Glazer family’s main assets are the shopping centre business in America, First Allied Corporation, along with Manchester United and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.First Allied is a private business and its accounts are not publicly available. But Mr Green discovered that the Glazers’ shopping mall mortgages had been bundled with other loans as Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities.Those bundles are publicly traded and therefore require the Glazers to provide detailed information on all the mortgages, which are then publicly available in the US.Mr Green found mortgages – confirmed by the BBC – on 63 of 64 First Allied shopping centres, totalling £388m ($570m).Most of those were taken out with Lehman Brothers before the US investment banking giant went bankrupt, triggering the global banking crisis in 2008.‘Watch list’While Lehmans collapsed, the Glazers’ mortgage debt lived on and many of those shopping centres are not generating enough income to keep up with interest payments.With falling commercial property values, many are also now in negative equity.Banks have put 28 of the shopping centres on a watch list, meaning they are worried about the loans.Four shopping centres – one each in Ohio, New Mexico, Texas and Georgia – have already gone bankrupt.When they bought Manchester United in 2005, the Glazer family borrowed £500m and paid the remaining £272 million in cash.Mr Green found that the Glazers had remortgaged 25 of their shopping centres in the six months before the takeover.He believes the family borrowed against their US properties to pay for United: “At the time when they had to present a huge amount of cash over here in the UK they borrowed a huge amount of extra money in the US and publicly they didn’t buy anything else that year.”A spokesman for the family did not respond to questions about the mortgages taken out by First Allied.But with properties now worth about £380m ($550m) but mortgages valued at £395m ($570m), the shopping mall company now appears to be worth next to nothing. ‘Commercial expertise’That financial picture has analyst Mr Green questioning how the Glazers will service their £1.1bn debt. Fans are wearing green and gold in protest over the Glazers’ ownership

United chief executive, David Gill, has said: “We’re very confident the business model we have in place will ensure the club can continue to compete at the top of football for many years to come.”The owners have been true to their word since they took over the club in 2005. They’ve brought commercial expertise and commercial benefit to us in a numbers of areas, and we’ve seen our revenues grow significantly.”The Glazers’ most troublesome debts are held by Red Football, the parent company that owns Manchester United.They are payment in kind loans, or PIKs, worth £200m and the interest owing on them will soon rise to 16.25%.Mr Gill told the BBC in January: “We don’t worry about the PIK repayment. That’s nothing to with the club.”A spokesman for Manchester United told the BBC last week that the club stands behind Mr Gill’s assertion that the debts will be repaid without involving the club.But sources close to the Glazers have confirmed that Red Football may use cash from Manchester United to pay off the PIKs in the future. The Glazers are said to be “comfortable” with the PIKs.The situation at Manchester United reflects the wider issue within the Premier League, where clubs like Liverpool and West Ham are struggling with huge debts and FA Cup finalists Portsmouth barely staved off bankruptcy.Both the Premier League and the FA declined requests for interviews on the subject of debt in football.

( BBC Football )


Airport watch for World Cup yobs

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Published Date: 07 June 2010

POLICE today began patrols at the region’s airport in a bid to make sure known trouble-makers won’t be able to get to the World Cup.
The officers will be out in force daily at Southampton Airport to prevent any making it to South Africa before the event kicks-off on Friday.Of the 150 people in Hampshire on Football Banning Orders (FBOs), 95 are connected to Portsmouth Football Club. Anyone on an FBO will have already been ordered to hand their passport in to police by June 1. And anyone found breaching their order can face up to six months behind bars, a fine of up to £5,000 and a further banning order.Superintendent Rick Burrows, one of the officers leading the policing operation, said: ‘The World Cup is a fantastic event which galvanizes the community and is a real celebration for fans across the world.’We are not aiming to be kill-joys, our simple aim is to stop people who we know are trouble-makers from travelling to the games and spoiling the tournament for others.’This operation is designed to complement the banning order handing-in system, to ensure that football violence is not transported abroad. There is a very small minority of people who take part in football-related violence and disorder, causing a risk to the safety of the vast majority of law abiding football supporters.’In Portsmouth a dedicated team including a sergeant and six officers will be on stand-by for each England game whilst high-visibility patrols focus on Guildhall Walk and Gunwharf Quays.A support unit of an inspector, three sergeants and 18 officers will also be on-hand. Supt Burrows added: ‘Together with the Crown Prosecution Service and other agencies, we are determined to stop that small element spoiling the party. We will work closely with the CPS to ensure that those found committing acts of football-related violence are robustly dealt with and brought to justice.’Soccer yobs will not be heading south say police.Officers will be on airport watch for known trouble-makers


(The News )

World Cup 2010: Platinum Stars 0-3 England

Defoe sweeps in England’s opener to give them the lead in Moruleng

By Phil McNulty
Chief football writer at the Moruleng Stadium

Wayne Rooney demonstrated both sides of his footballing personality as England’s build-up to the opening World Cup clash against the United States continued with an unimpressive win against Platinum Stars.

Rooney made a goal for Joe Cole and scored himself late on after Jermain Defoe had given Fabio Capello’s side an early lead against the local side.This was what Capello will want to see from Rooney in the World Cup – but there was also a worrying example of the dark side of his character that lurks beneath the surface and which he must keep under wraps if England are to flourish in South Africa.

( BBC Football )

Dopo il grande successo di “Lads 2009” (ultime 2 copie )

Storia e contemporaneità della cultura Casual d’Oltre Manica.. Approfondimenti sui fatti dell’ultimo decennio. Immagini e schede delle singole tifoserie di Inghilterra, Scozia e Irlanda del Nord.

Un noto leader di una Firm, richiesto di commentare i consueti incidenti procurati all’estero dai Lads, dichiarò alla stampa “Margaret Thatcher ci deve condannare pubblicamente ma dentro di sè sarà sicuramente orgogliosa del lavoro fatto dai ragazzi”.. Questo libro si propone come un viaggio attraverso quarant’anni di trasferte oltre Manica dei Casuals britannici al seguito delle selezioni nazionali e delle squadre di club. La narrazione delle principali trasferte può facilmente diventare il paradigma per descrivere centinaia di giornate nelle quali le firms hanno esportato all’estero il loro bagaglio di fedeltà, nazionalismo, alcoolismo e, spesso, anche violenza. Il volume si propone come naturale seguito di “Lads 2009”, dello stesso autore, che illustra la scena attuale dei mobs britannici tra le mura domestiche. Sangue, birra e Red Hand gli ingredienti ricorrenti di un cocktail spesso esplosivo
circa 13 copie disponibili


pag.180  Euro 15,00 (posta prioritaria 4,00;raccomandata 5,35)

( V.Abbatantuono, D.Mungo e L.Tomaselli )

Boogaloo Publishing

Tre narratori anòmici, un’unica entità multiforme che si cela dietro uno pseudonimo palesemente preso a prestito dall’immaginario più “dandy” e teppisticamente elitarista della galassia del tifo estremista internazionale. Tre ultras italiani, navigati e carichi di disillusioni, ma altrettanto consapevoli di un compito autoconferitosi di voler essere testimoni, umili e parziali, di un’epoca al crepuscolo e di un movimento anche contro-culturale, antisitemico e sociale oltre che un mix di misticismo sportivo e/o di prassi di violenza semi-delinquenziale. Un “touch and go” all’interno del calcio britannico minoritario, quello più povero e meno ingioiellato della vecchia imperturbabile Scozia. Terra in cui le anomalie e le forti contraddizioni, oltre che le ataviche rivalità del mondo britannico, si esternano ciclicizzandosi in migliaia di rivoli settari. La terra dove il modello repressivo albionico ha attecchito forse con minor clamore e sponsorizzazione mediatica, rispetto a quello “cockney” e “scouse”, per rimanere in due città simbolo della violenza “hooligana” ma che ha trasferito sulle “terraces” le tensioni che ne attanagliano il tessuto sociale, politico e religioso.Le voci si sovrapporranno nella narrazione fluida di questo diario di viaggio. Così come allo stadio i cori che cercano di reiterarsi all’infinito vengono sostituiti a seguire da un altro nuovo o contrario, o addirittura sopraffatti da quelli degli avversari, che istigati, ci sommergono di fischi ed insulti fino a coprirci per poi azzittirsi di nuovo. Nessuno potrà dire chi narra e chi ascolta, un’anarchia narrativa simile all’anarchia dei nostri pensieri, e beninteso, non ascrivibile ad un referente ideologico, bensì ad una conseguenza strutturale, morfologica, necessaria: quella dell’istinto libero che cerca la voce per darsi un racconto e quindi un’esistente nel mondo che ci circonda. Parliamo tutti con un’unica voce, per riconoscere le nostre individualità all’interno del gruppo: proprio come facevamo in curva, coi nostri fratelli.Il resto l’ha fatto la nostra cosiddetta follia, quella che noi chiamiamo la nostra gioia


Man U : debiti da record. Fans in Sud Africa: altri passaporti ritirati, 95 a Portsmouth. Bene l’ Inghilterra in amichevole.ultima modifica: 2010-06-07T11:45:00+02:00da
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