Happy St.George’s Day!

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Marlow pub flags up St George’s day

Si festeggia oggi San Giorgio, patrono d’ Inghilterra. Come tutti gli anni, tra tanta partecipazione popolare e qualche polemica tra fautori dell’ orgoglio nazionale e comitati di protesta che temono strumentalizzazioni politiche, anche il “St. George’s Day 2009 ” appare destinato a fare parlare di sè. In tale occasione vengono solitamente commercializzati svariati gadgets esibiti con senso di appartenenza sia nelle numerose manifestazioni che in festeggiamenti a tema che si svolgono nei locali. Alcuni pubs esporranno la bandiera bianca con la croce rossa detta appunto di “San Giorgio”. Il Sindaco di Londra e la Giunta comunale hanno programmato un’ intera settimana di festeggiamenti in grande stile nella capitale mentre in alcune altre città marce a favore e di protesta hanno causato questioni burocratiche e di sicurezza, consistenti in una lunga serie di permessi concessi e/o negati per ragioni di ordine pubblico. Alla fine, comunque, in quasi tutte le località le autorizzazioni per le celebrazioni della ricorrenza sono state regolarmente concesse, grazie anche ad alcuni ricorsi, alla campagna di diversi tabloids ed alla pressione della pubblica opinione. Per il momento tutto risulta regolarmente in corso senza alcun tipo di tensione tra opposti schieramenti.


“WITH April 23 fast approaching it is often a date that is met with apathy in but a Marlow pub is calling for residents to show national pride by celebrating St George’s day.The legend of St George slaying the dragon was first celebrated in the 15th century but popularity for the national day decreased until virtually ceasing to exist in the late 18th century.However with the recent re-emergence of the celebration of patron saints, most notably St Patrick’s Day in Ireland, calls are increasing to make St Georges Day a national holiday.To celebrate the event, the Cross Keys in Spittal Street, Marlow, will be decorated in St George crosses, which will include a giant flag draped on the side of the building.It will hold a live music evening dubbed “Red n White party night”featuring tribute band Oasist on the day and an inflatable jousting competition will be one of the activities on the following Sunday ‘funday’.Landlord Matt McKay said: “We pride ourselves in being the only pub, certainly in this area, that celebrate this English Day. We aim to get people celebrating St Georges day, like they do St Patrick’s and we believe we can set the standard to follow.”

(“This is local London”)


BNP claim credit for Boris’s St George’s announcement

“Boris Johnson’s attempts to spin his announcement of the 2009 St George’s Day celebrations backfired on him this morning when BNP Assembly Member Richard Barnbrook claimed the Mayor had copied a BNP policy.On Sunday Johnson announced details of this year’s celebrations and claimed the festival “has been ignored in London for far too long” despite former Mayor Ken Livingstone supporting the event in past years.

View the exchange:

2009’s celebrations will include a “major” concert in Trafalgar Square on Saturday 25th April and, as in past years, a Shakespeare celebration at the Globe theatre on Sunday 19 April. Johnson has also said he’ll fly the English flag outside City Hall on April 23rd.”

(“” )


Morley Celebrates St George with the Green Man

“The West Yorkshire town of Morley celebrated its Englishness in style once again this year, with a whole weekend of events celebrating England’s patron saint.A record crowd flooded to the town during the weekend as fabulous spring weather brought several thousand people onto the streets to celebrate St George during what is now believed to be England’s biggest Saint George’s Day celebration.On Saturday the town centre was packed with shoppers who spent the day enjoying the outdoor market, with Radio Aire FM and its DJ Danny Lacey hosting the day.Sunday saw many hundreds of people watching the annual parade led by St George on horseback from Morley Town Hall to the town’s rugby and cricket grounds.Following St George and the dragon were the Wing Band of the combined ATC cadets, many of Morley’s Scout and Guide groups, the Air Cadets and the Royal British Legion Once at the rugby and cricket club several thousand more gathered to enjoy an impressive falconry display, battle re-enactments from the Sealed Knot, a demonstration from the West Yorkshire Police Dog Section, a traditional Punch & Judy show, and a whole host of other attractions for all the family.The BNP’s famous Green Man took part in the weekend’s celebrations (see pictures) and was a source of entertainment and fascination for Morley folk of all ages. At one point a competition was held to try and find someone who knew who this mysterious green creature was. Needless to say, this threw up some interesting responses!Local British National Party councillor Chris Beverley said it had been a fantastic weekend.“It was a pleasure to see so many people take part in the Morley Saint George’s Day celebrations this year. At short notice I was able to get hold of the Green Man and bring him along to Morley on the Sunday, and he too was highly impressed with our town’s annual celebration of Englishness,” said Cllr Beverley.“The Green Man is a truly fascinating mythological character with his roots in our distant past who has appeared in various guises throughout the ages. Once the central figure at May Day festivals all over the country, the Green Man (often ‘Jack’) was banned by the Puritans as a pagan idol who they claimed encouraged young men to take virgins into the woods. He was then later stamped out by the Victorians for his connection with drinking too much ale!“He is one of the countless characters from our nation’s mythology that have been largely forgotten over time, but events like this help to provide an opportunity for such lesser-known aspects of our culture to be enjoyed by a wider audience.“Well done to everyone who helped to make the weekend a success, not least the good folk of Morley who once again turned out in such huge numbers.”

Where is Boris Johnson galloping with this St George’s Day thing?

“I see that the Mayor’s Office has finally confirmed that it will be laying on a big, folky treat for Londoners in Trafalgar Square on Saturday, April 25 in honour of St George’s Day, as originally revealed here, in this very blog.Seth Lakeman, Eliza Carthy and Jim Moray will be giving us a bit of essential England for the afternoon and I’m glad that some of the coyness has begun to evaporate around the idea of being English. It wasn’t my empire, I don’t feel guilty – perhaps you have to live abroad for a while to realise the many excellent things this country has going for it? I got text messages wishing me happy St David’s day and happy St Patrick’s this year. I might send a happy St George’s day text in return to each when the time comes.So Boris Johnson is the white-haired knight on this particular charger – he’s got the right flavour of Turkishness to bear comparison to St George. And I’m wondering where he’s charging? The Olympics in 2012 is going to need a bit of Englishness about it. What’ll it be?Personally I’d like to see a bit of morris or rapper dancing in the opening ceremony – any doubts about whether it can be exciting should be dispelled by watching the swashbuckling Demon Barbers, with their swords, fire dances and clog-dancing maidens. It’s time we got over ourselves and stopped behaving like embarrassed teenagers as far as our traditions go. It’s all in the rendering.”

(“The Telegraph” )


Happy St.George’s Day!ultima modifica: 2009-04-23T15:43:00+02:00da
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