Dopo la guerriglia di Irlanda del Nord Polonia presunti attacchi ai polacchi residenti. Il Governo interviene: fondi ai lealisti per conciliare le due comunità

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Dopo la giornata di scontri prima , durante e dopo la partita per la qualificazione ai mondiali del Sud Africa tra Irlanda del Nord e Polonia, conclusasi con un importante successo per la formazione di casa, le tensioni tra i residenti nelle Sei Contee ed i cittadini polacchi non sembrano finite.Secondo indiscrezioni, ad oltre quaranta tra questi ultimi sarebbe stato intimato di lasciare le aree lealiste di Belfast mentre altri sarebbero stati oggetto di attacchi alla persona ed alle proprietà. Il Governo nord-irlandese ha stanziato fondi a favore della comunità protestante diretti alla realizzazione di un progetto che possa riavvicinare gli abitanti del posto e gli immigrati provenienti dalla Polonia. Alcuni ex volti noti delle associazioni paramilitari protestanti avrebbero partecipato al programma ma anche alcuni ex terroristi dell’ IRA avrebbero chiesto al Governo di dare vita a qualcosa di simile nei quartieri cattolici.  Quando scontri tra hooligans possono diventare un caso politico internazionale…


Loyalists get funds to oppose the racists

By Deborah McAleese
Thursday, 9 April 2009

Disturbances before the Northern Ireland Poland match at Windsor Park, Belfast




“Former loyalist paramilitaries have made an unprecedented public pledge to stand against Northern Ireland’s growing racism problem, the Belfast Telegraph can reveal.The vow comes after a number of ex-UDA men took part in a groundbreaking anti-racism training programme — backed by the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister — which culminated in a visit to Poland.A number of former UVF members are also due to complete their training within the next few weeks with a visit to the country.The news comes amid claims that more than 40 foreign nationals have been intimidated out of loyalist parts of Belfast over the past two weeks.The Polish Association has said that following violent clashes between Northern Ireland and Polish football fans before a World Cup qualifier earlier this month, 46 people fled the Village area of south Belfast and Albertbridge Road area in the east of the city because of physical abuse and attacks on property.Loyalist paramilitaries have in the past been associated with racist attacks, but their involvement in this City and Guilds accredited programme is being seen as a clear indication they are now dedicated to working against it.And the Belfast Telegraph has learned that former IRA members from south Armagh, Tyrone, Cavan and Monaghan have contacted course organisers about running similar schemes in their areas.The pilot programme is currently mainly focused on working to eradicate racist attacks on Polish people living in loyalist areas of Belfast. However, it is hoped it will be rolled out to include other minority groups living in Northern Ireland.Director of the Polish Association in Belfast, Maciek Bator, said the programme “will help build real relationships between the Polish and loyalist community in Belfast and we fully support its roll out.”Romuald Lanczkowski, the Deputy Secretary General of the Senate of Poland, said: “By talking together and experiencing each other’s cultures at first hand we can really improve community relations at many, many levels.” OFMDFM has provided funding for the pilot scheme but organisers are hoping for future regional funding from Europe”

(“Belfast Telegraph”)

Dopo la guerriglia di Irlanda del Nord Polonia presunti attacchi ai polacchi residenti. Il Governo interviene: fondi ai lealisti per conciliare le due comunitàultima modifica: 2009-04-09T11:38:00+02:00da
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